Happy thread :)

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Well-Known Member
I do use that method, just without the vacuum. After I trim around my ears, I just hold the rest of it up with my fingers or a comb, and cut it. It looks pretty spikey for a few days, but after a week, it's back to just laying on my head. It does look pretty good, but even if it didn't, I don't have to look at it.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of foxnews and the effects might be even more profound than I figured. If you win in November taking foxnews off the air for their pandemic coverage would be a good move, so would media regulation and expanded FCC powers. Wipe them out and assign the AM band to digital, the democrats will get far more votes if they do. than if they don't.

Fox viewers transformed after watching CNN for 30 days, report finds

Study finds changes in attitudes, policy preferences about Covid-19, then president Donald Trump

Fox News viewers who were paid to watch CNN for 30 days eventually became more skeptical and less likely to buy into fake news, according to a new study.

The study titled “The manifold effects of partisan media on viewers’ beliefs and attitudes: A field experiment with Fox News viewers” by David E Brockman and Joshua L Kalla was conducted in September 2020 and published last week.

“Of 763 qualifying participants, we then randomised 40 per cent to treatment group. To change the slant of their media diet, we offered treatment group participants $15 per hour to watch 7 hours of CNN per week, during Sept. 2020, prioritising the hours at which participants indicated they typically watched Fox News,” the study said.

The study found changes in attitudes and policy preferences about Covid-19, evaluations of then president Donald Trump and Republican candidates as well as elected officials.

“Despite regular Fox viewers being largely strong partisans, we found manifold effects of changing the slant of their media diets on their factual beliefs, attitudes, perceptions of issues’ importance, and overall political views,” the authors of the study said.



Well-Known Member
The funniest joke I ever encountered was about numbers.

Two does not equal three, even for large values of two.
My funniest numbers joke wasn't even a joke. Sister called to ask about a recipe. She said, "I can't remember how many cups. Was it 1/1/1 or 2/2/2? A year later and we still laugh about it.


Ursus marijanus
My funniest numbers joke wasn't even a joke. Sister called to ask about a recipe. She said, "I can't remember how many cups. Was it 1/1/1 or 2/2/2? A year later and we still laugh about it.
Once, I told my blushing bride to turn at the T intersection. At the next four-way, she turned.

“I said the T intersection!”

The response taught me a thing. “I didn’t know you meant a capital T.” Owned.


Well-Known Member
The funniest joke I ever encountered was about numbers.

Two does not equal three, even for large values of two.
As you all probably know I am cursed/blessed to be fucking Irish.
So, I especially like a good Irish joke, which usually entails alcohol because yes, it is not just being typecast as drunks, we fucking are..
I come from a long line of what some may say are intolerant to the Drink.
Yes, on both sides of my family more than one succumbed to that innate attraction to the what the Irish call "the Breath of Life" (I can't spell the Gaelic)
So yup, I have carried on with, knowing I probably am destined to die an early death due to my un-healthy habits, like whiskey/cheese burgers/driving fast/& having sex with my wife :(

But, the way I looked at it was fuck it, I looked around and saw/observed all these limited people that never push boundaries
I love boundaries
It just feels so fucking good breaking them (my Dr. said I should be dead/no shit :) )

Anyway, enough shite, heres's one joke that I can actually remember.

Please note that there is no ill will towards any race/sex/country of origin/religious beliefs, I will abuse all equally.

So, three blokes saunter in a pub after a long day slaving for the Capitalist oppressors & order three Boilermakers, and sit down & started eating peanuts.

The barkeep brought the drinks over & placed the beers & the whiskey in front of them & as the patrons noted, one by one, that there was a fly in they're glasses.


My following jokes I pick by throwing darts.

So, 1st to complain was the Italian, and he cried "Momma Mia/What the fuck is this & demands another beer as he squishes the bug.

Next came the Jew who also had a fly in his beer, took it as evidence & told the barkeep he is going to sue

Lastly, it was the Mick, whose name was Paddy of course, that reacted the way any honorable Irishman would respond,

He grabbed it out of the glass by it's wings & shaking it vigorously over the glass he cried out in a high pitched squeel....
"Spit it out/spit it out or I'll kill yea"

The End :)


Ursus marijanus
As you all probably know I am cursed/blessed to be fucking Irish.
So, I especially like a good Irish joke, which usually entails alcohol because yes, it is not just being typecast as drunks, we fucking are..
I come from a long line of what some may say are intolerant to the Drink.
Yes, on both sides of my family more than one succumbed to that innate attraction to the what the Irish call "the Breath of Life" (I can't spell the Gaelic)
So yup, I have carried on with, knowing I probably am destined to die an early death due to my un-healthy habits, like whiskey/cheese burgers/driving fast/& having sex with my wife :(

But, the way I looked at it was fuck it, I looked around and saw/observed all these limited people that never push boundaries
I love boundaries
It just feels so fucking good breaking them (my Dr. said I should be dead/no shit :) )

Anyway, enough shite, heres's one joke that I can actually remember.

Please note that there is no ill will towards any race/sex/country of origin/religious beliefs, I will abuse all equally.

So, three blokes saunter in a pub after a long day slaving for the Capitalist oppressors & order three Boilermakers, and sit down & started eating peanuts.

The barkeep brought the drinks over & placed the beers & the whiskey in front of them & as the patrons noted, one by one, that there was a fly in they're glasses.


My following jokes I pick by throwing darts.

So, 1st to complain was the Italian, and he cried "Momma Mia/What the fuck is this & demands another beer as he squishes the bug.

Next came the Jew who also had a fly in his beer, took it as evidence & told the barkeep he is going to sue

Lastly, it was the Mick, whose name was Paddy of course, that reacted the way any honorable Irishman would respond,

He grabbed it out of the glass by it's wings & shaking it vigorously over the glass he cried out in a high pitched squeel....
"Spit it out/spit it out or I'll kill yea"

The End :)
i like that one and have told it

Hey at least you married her first.

Here is my fav along similar lines.

Regular walks in. Ordinarily he orders three: one for him and two to honor his brothers.

So he comes in and orders two pints instead of three.

Battender asks “ your brothers doing ok?”

Guy says they’re fine. “I’m on the wagon”.


Well-Known Member
Get rid of foxnews and the effects might be even more profound than I figured. If you win in November taking foxnews off the air for their pandemic coverage would be a good move, so would media regulation and expanded FCC powers. Wipe them out and assign the AM band to digital, the democrats will get far more votes if they do. than if they don't.

Fox viewers transformed after watching CNN for 30 days, report finds

Study finds changes in attitudes, policy preferences about Covid-19, then president Donald Trump

Fox News viewers who were paid to watch CNN for 30 days eventually became more skeptical and less likely to buy into fake news, according to a new study.

The study titled “The manifold effects of partisan media on viewers’ beliefs and attitudes: A field experiment with Fox News viewers” by David E Brockman and Joshua L Kalla was conducted in September 2020 and published last week.

“Of 763 qualifying participants, we then randomised 40 per cent to treatment group. To change the slant of their media diet, we offered treatment group participants $15 per hour to watch 7 hours of CNN per week, during Sept. 2020, prioritising the hours at which participants indicated they typically watched Fox News,” the study said.

The study found changes in attitudes and policy preferences about Covid-19, evaluations of then president Donald Trump and Republican candidates as well as elected officials.

“Despite regular Fox viewers being largely strong partisans, we found manifold effects of changing the slant of their media diets on their factual beliefs, attitudes, perceptions of issues’ importance, and overall political views,” the authors of the study said.

You know what I was thinking
It's the similarity of the Russian news/propaganda emitted from that fucking shithole & FOX, repeatedly spewing lies/innuendos to the masses of idiots in this country that think that's real news.
FOX is a real threat & I'm not joking.
Fuck the 1st/shut them the fuck down/buy NOTHING from their advertisers.
Boycott the motherfuckers/let them live off of the assholes that watch that shit & good luck

go go kid

Well-Known Member
I haven't paid for a haircut since 1983. I've cut it myself. The wife always had her hair cut professionally, but I used to cut Mamma's and my mother-in-law's hair. And since the pandemic, I've been cutting the wife's hair too.
i havent paid for one in forty years, i guess its more then £2.50 now 3.27 usd

go go kid

Well-Known Member
You know what I was thinking
It's the similarity of the Russian news/propaganda emitted from that fucking shithole & FOX, repeatedly spewing lies/innuendos to the masses of idiots in this country that think that's real news.
FOX is a real threat & I'm not joking.
Fuck the 1st/shut them the fuck down/buy NOTHING from their advertisers.
Boycott the motherfuckers/let them live off of the assholes that watch that shit & good luck
fox news is scary how many americans think its all real, i dig what your saying


Well-Known Member
i like that one and have told it

Hey at least you married her first.

Here is my fav along similar lines.

Regular walks in. Ordinarily he orders three: one for him and two to honor his brothers.

So he comes in and orders two pints instead of three.

Battender asks “ your brothers doing ok?”

Guy says they’re fine. “I’m on the wagon”.
It's some weird shit being born Irish.
It comes with a lot of baggage like drinking/fighting/being sexual demons/literary geniuses.
When I was 10 I heard/read about the dark side of the Irish Id
And I loved/embraced it.

Yea mon, life is short/live it :)

So, I am/I am :)



Well-Known Member
fox news is scary how many americans think its all real, i dig what your saying
Slowly I think FOX is going to shift to real news, simply for economical reasons.
People like Sean are going to continue to bring attention to their Un-American activities



Well-Known Member
Most Russians aren't really buying the Kremlin line, Putin's biggest fans are older women and you can see it in this video. Many of the younger ones aren't and if the truth were known there would be trouble. Vlad had Little choice but to censor the news, his base of old women might crack on him with uncensored news, especially on state TV. Some people were frank, but cautious.

The similarity of foxnews viewers and Trumpers is obvious with some of them. Fear and bigotry equals power.
"It's fake!": Russians have mixed reactions to accusations of war crimes in Bucha

People across Russia expressed mixed reactions to allegations that Russian forces committed war crimes in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, where dozens of bodies of civilians were found in mass graves.


Well-Known Member
Happy= Reggae & a nice BIG SPLIFF (sometimes I'll tell you about buying herb in the Bronx in a Jamaican record store when a gun fight occurred outside the front of the store & a round went threw the window.
No charge for the herb at least :)

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