hiya matt. how do you start a thread, gonna start a journal in the next few days. thanks
smokintreezhow do I post a thread to ask my question? I can only reply to others!!
Welcome treez, here is what I do. I will click on the subject that I want to start a thread in, Lets say I want to start a
Grow Journal. I would click on that subject,
Grow Journals, its the last entry in every thread line, Subject. When you click on that it takes you to the
Grow Journal Forum, you will see there are a few there. At the top left hand corner it says like
New Thread or Start a Thread, some thing like that. Click on it, enter your Title, and share your plan. Details are helpful, pictures are a must. Before you are done with your post, Scroll down to the bottom where it says
notification, and make sure you are getting notified if someone posts in your thread, That way, you can put all of your unanswered questions in one spot. I think you start out in Advanced Mode, if not select
Go Advanced. This will allow you to post pictures right in the thread. You just scroll down to
Manage Attachments>Brings up a new
WIndow were you can
Browse> and
Close this Window> and
Preview Post. They will show up as thumbnails in the bottom of the post.
Submit Reply.
We do have a Grow Journal Contest going, GardenKnowm is heading that one up, check it out, second place is still open. lol Welcome VV

Hey smokey, welcome. I'm uhhh..... not matt, here is an answer for you. I don't even know if smokintreez started a journal, maybe we should go look.?? VV