Just Cats


Well-Known Member
So our cat is back from the vet after about a week.
He somehow managed to break his tail just as it enters the sacrum and totally paralyzed it.
For a week we didn't know if we would have to put him down and only towards Wednesday did he start eating a bit again, which was enough for the vet to give him a chance by taking off the tail. He is eating super well and I finally saw him take a shit for the first time in a week. The other cat is totally freaked out by this. He is still on pretty strong pain meds so he is cool with anything.

He has a habit of falling off stuff he sleeps on, he is an inside cat so no idea how it happened. Can also happen if a cat is kicked or its tail pulled hard.

Anyway, it has been a super expensive week. And we have been at our ends emotionally. So glad my biy is back except he doesn;t leav my wife's side, probably still pissed at me for leaving him at the vet.