Hang trying: PM or not PM?


So its hang dry day 3, and several plants look like they turned white on the undersides of the sugar leaves. Two of them were really really white and looks exactly like PM.

I panicked and took the two plants and doused them in lost coast and hung them in another room to dry. I suppose I totally ruined them by spraying them after harvest.

I then noticed more if them turning white so I took the whitest sugar leaves and put them under a scope. What I found was high concentrations of trichomes and little clear hairs growing from the trichome heads, and shriveled and haggard looking trichomes but no webbing or fuzz.

I'm so pissed off at myself for not checking a sample before saturating them in last coast.

I have some photos of the trichomes and I don't see any PM. Does anyone else see any issues?



Well-Known Member
Need a little clearer pic of the bud looks like pm but not 100% sure,I looked again is that spider mite webbing?


Well-Known Member
I then noticed more if them turning white so I took the whitest sugar leaves and put them under a scope. What I found was high concentrations of trichomes and little clear hairs growing from the trichome heads, and shriveled and haggard looking trichomes but no webbing or fuzz.

It sounds like PM, and some of your later photos look like the beginning of PM.

Can you post so pics of the whole plant and the white areas, then a few more closeups of pics showing the angular growths out of the trichome heads.


God speed fair gardner.
