Leaves wilting

I have noticed the last two days the leaves are wilting a little.

Watered them yesterday (soil was dry about 2,5 inch deep)they were wilting before and ste stil today. Photo is from now.

they are autflowr in 2week of flower, 15L (3,5gal) fabric pots in soil.
they are autflowr in 2week of flower, 15L (3,5gal) fabric pots in soil.
They drink about 1L of water per two days.
Feeding with hesi grow mix (20% strength).

Temperature is 22c and 45% rh.

Help much apreciated.



Well-Known Member
Most likely because you’re giving too little water too frequently. You should be able to give at least 20%-25% of your container volume without excess runoff.
A, ok I understand. They are drinking more and more so it makes sens. They really stretched in the last week. Will start with 2,5 liter.

should I add water now or wait till next watering?