Miracle grow

What makes miracle grow bad besides being owned by Monsanto? In comparison to others

A lot of people think that but Miracle-Gro is not owned by Bayer/Monsanto. Also, their newer Performance Organics container mix looks like a decent bagged soil but is overpriced. I'd use it without hesitation if I needed soil and it was all I could get. The big box stores carry it at some locations.
I was thinking about trying Miracle Gro Sea Compost this year, its suppose to be fully organic. It shows the ingredients is just composted seaweed and shellfish.
A lot of people think that but Miracle-Gro is not owned by Bayer/Monsanto. Also, their newer Performance Organics container mix looks like a decent bagged soil but is overpriced. I'd use it without hesitation if I needed soil and it was all I could get. The big box stores carry it at some locations.
Is this a recent sale? Who owns them now? I thought they were owned by scotts miracle gro which is owned by monsanto but regardless Id use it too if i had /wanted to
So what would you use or recommend lad
Any of the 2 part salt formulas out there that test very low in heavy metals, there are quite a few, some are expensive and some aren't. Jack's A/B and Megacrop are both good-General Hydroponics uses very clean salts in its various products-flora/maxi series (maxibloom is a great 1 part formula). Even Advanced has a 2 part dry formula called Sensi Professional (or something close) and they use very clean Haifa salts. I believe Athena also tests very low, but I'd double check that in the database-a lot of ppl in Europe use Athena due to easier access than to Jack's, I've heard.
Is this a recent sale? Who owns them now? I thought they were owned by scotts miracle gro which is owned by monsanto but regardless Id use it too if i had /wanted to
They were owned by Scotts, now by Oms Investments....by the way Scotts was founded by Orlando M. Scott....get it OMS investments. I think they tried to distance themselves from the Scotts name since so many people believe that Scotts is owned by Monsanto. It isn't, but Scotts is still the biggest Monsanto shill in the world.
Scotts also owns General Hydroponics. MG is a balanced nutrient. Bugbee says that it is better to use a balanced nutrient than no nutrient at all. Without the "you're doing it all wrong" speeches, and to actually answer the posed question, I have used MG to great success on potted plants.
Thanks @Rurumo . That clears it up. Looks like what your saying, the association is because of the close marketing/relationship of the two co.’s
Scotts is not owned by Monsanto, but the idea is so pervasive because of the marketing agreement and the close ties between the two.May 16, 2017
I stand corrected
< Joke Mode on >

"Using Miracle Grow to grow weed is like carrying a Gucci Purse when you are a Manly Man."

< Joke Mode off >

I understand that some kind of technology that can scan plant tissue that I saw once a long time ago showed that there is a difference between organic and inorganic nitrogen or one of the other nutrients. The article also said there is no difference to the plant. That's what I remember.

However, feeding the soil chemicals doesn't support other things in the soil that are a part of the soil food web cycle.

Forms of Nitrogen in the Soil

If you don't care no one else will.
If you want a living soil food web thing going then feeding chemicals is not the way to go.

Personally? I'm a Organic Soil Snob. Got a compost tumbler and I bubble manure tea ( guinea pig manure ). My soil mixes are made for now and later.
The later part is when I recycle the soil in the crafted compost pile.

What is soil in the food web?

Image result for soil food web

The soil food web is the community of organisms living all or part of their lives in the soil. A food web diagram shows a series of conversions (represented by arrows) of energy and nutrients as one organism eats another.
I was thinking about trying Miracle Gro Sea Compost this year, its suppose to be fully organic. It shows the ingredients is just composted seaweed and shellfish.

I bought some Miracle Gro soil to grow out Timothy Grass indoors for Guinea Pigs during the Winter.
First it is wood based. Second it held unnatural amounts of water so drainage was real sketchy. It boasted that it was some water management thing but when roots rot it's always because the soil is too wet for too long.
Then there is the claim that it "feeds" for six months. I don't know about you but that is suspect in that how much N-P-K is there really in it? I want to know these things when growing cannabis and there is nothing on the bag.

For something like growing grass for Guinea Pigs to eat it's okay. For growing weed the fact that is holds water in a funky way, has unknown levels of nutrients that magically are there for six months somehow is suspect in my mind. Plus what is it made of really? Again nothing on the bag.

Like I said if you don't care no one will.
Your talking their soil and i agree, I don’t like time release ferts but the water soluble nute is what i though op was talking about. Also I saw someone talk about mg being responsible for heavy metals in yards across the country but i thought this was designed for potted plants I wouldn’t use directly in ground. Guess mg was the major player in days past and probably was the leading seller but I suppose it would of just been the next brand polluting yards if mg wasnt dominant with home gardeners in that time
I grow Organic all of my outdoor plants/gardens and I was a terrible Organic snob many years ago, but once I became aware of the heavy metal content of so many organic amendments I switched to clean mineral salts indoors. You can grow low heavy metal crops organically, but it isn't easy, since some of the most popular organic/living soil amendments are very high in heavy metals, such as rock dust, lobster/crab meal, kelp, rock phosphate, diatomaceous earth, worm castings (I hate that this is true, love me some castings-also, this is due to the rock dust that is commonly fed to the worms), insect frass, among many many others. This stuff all adds up and accumulates. Back when I really cared about organics, I was mostly worried about synthetic pesticides and herbicides-heavy metals didn't even factor in for me. I actually just assumed that organics would be lower in heavy metals-which can be the case if compared to older, heavily polluted mineral salts. But now we have complete mineral salt formulas that test out "below detectable levels" for the common awful heavy metals-arsenic, cadmium, and lead.

I know I do tend to go on and on about this topic, but I think people should make informed choices based on real world facts, and not just what we want to be true. I would encourage all organic growers to look up every single product/amendment they use in one of the state heavy metal databases (Ca, OR, WA all have good ones), especially if they are making a no-till soil they plan on reusing for years. I made up a batch of excellent organic soil last year with everything in it testing BDL for heavy metals, but it wasn't easy or cheap, so for now I'm sticking with coco/clean salts and zero synthetic pesticides/herbicides. One example of a good organic substitution is, if you want to use crustacean meal, typically crab/lobster meal, use shrimp meal instead-since shrimp eat lower on the food chain, the meal lacks the heavy metals that larger crustaceans accumulate (but still check your product in the databases.....https://apps1.cdfa.ca.gov/fertilizerproducts/ or https://agr.wa.gov/departments/pesticides-and-fertilizers/fertilizers/product-database or http://oda.state.or.us/dbs/heavy_metal/search.lasso
I bought some Miracle Gro soil to grow out Timothy Grass indoors for Guinea Pigs during the Winter.
First it is wood based. Second it held unnatural amounts of water so drainage was real sketchy. It boasted that it was some water management thing but when roots rot it's always because the soil is too wet for too long.
Then there is the claim that it "feeds" for six months. I don't know about you but that is suspect in that how much N-P-K is there really in it? I want to know these things when growing cannabis and there is nothing on the bag.

For something like growing grass for Guinea Pigs to eat it's okay. For growing weed the fact that is holds water in a funky way, has unknown levels of nutrients that magically are there for six months somehow is suspect in my mind. Plus what is it made of really? Again nothing on the bag.

Like I said if you don't care no one, will.
Im not talking about their slow released potting soil, or any of their actual potting soil.. I am talking about their Sea Compost, it is composted seaweed and shrimp, there is no time released pellets.
Thats what i figure like i said ive just heard more than one person say if your nute is blue crystal powder its likely sourced from same supplier mixed and repackaged
Im not sure if the thread is about miracle grow fertilizer or miracle grow soil.
Here's fertilisers from Thompson and Morgan UK that's blue.
I cant any info on them being connected to mackerel grow though..... lol
Miracle Grow has great appeal and does wonders during veg. However, I burned the shit out of my plants with Nitrogen during flowering, with no way to stop it.

I use a heavy mix of many, many additives, maybe 15-20 depending, and had to cut out everything with N and they still burned...

I'm now using Happy Frog, Ocean Forest and Perlite, just about 1/3 for each in my mix. I don't like the consistency as much as MG but I'm getting better results using my additives than relying on the time release nitrogen crap..
Miracle Grow has great appeal and does wonders during veg. However, I burned the shit out of my plants with Nitrogen during flowering, with no way to stop it.

I use a heavy mix of many, many additives, maybe 15-20 depending, and had to cut out everything with N and they still burned...

I'm now using Happy Frog, Ocean Forest and Perlite, just about 1/3 for each in my mix. I don't like the consistency as much as MG but I'm getting better results using my additives than relying on the time release nitrogen crap..
Any way to stop it? Experiencing this now with an outdoor plant. Had some old MG performance organics and decided to give it a shot. I'm just in veg and it is getting N scorched. I was figuring it would use it up and be OK. But reading your post here has me doubtful.