New york

it looks like we're good to go!

Directly under: "Full Board Meeting April 14, 2022" are three links. (Not the 2 download columns)

Revised Home Grow Regulations is one of them, click here

OR copy & Paste below text

It seems the rules are now officially put into effect, but can/likely will be changed/added to over time.

This means you can grow 6 plants total, 3 mature, 3 flowering and keep up to 3 pounds in your house. No changes in sale of medical cannabis but please correct me if I'm wrong with any of this. With all of these tricky and detailed rules, the more eyes and minds going over these rules I think the safer we all are

They do say something about being published in the sate registrar first, if anyone knows law better than I, feel free to chime in...
it looks like we're good to go!

Directly under: "Full Board Meeting April 14, 2022" are three links. (Not the 2 download columns)

Revised Home Grow Regulations is one of them, click here

OR copy & Paste below text

It seems the rules are now officially put into effect, but can/likely will be changed/added to over time.

This means you can grow 6 plants total, 3 mature, 3 flowering and keep up to 3 pounds in your house. No changes in sale of medical cannabis but please correct me if I'm wrong with any of this. With all of these tricky and detailed rules, the more eyes and minds going over these rules I think the safer we all are

They do say something about being published in the sate registrar first, if anyone knows law better than I, feel free to chime in...
I’m not sure about the procedure by which the law will go into effect, but by the look of it, if it’s not immediate then it will be very shortly.
I thought I read up to 5lbs to be stored in the home? Either way 3-5 not bad…i have to say I’m impressed! After the new year came in and all the tiptoeing through the tulips I thought we were looking at a year plus easy…now if we can just get the plant count up.
I’m not sure about the procedure by which the law will go into effect, but by the look of it, if it’s not immediate then it will be very shortly.
I thought I read up to 5lbs to be stored in the home? Either way 3-5 not bad…i have to say I’m impressed! After the new year came in and all the tiptoeing through the tulips I thought we were looking at a year plus easy…now if we can just get the plant count up.
Yes it's 5 lbs, I think with the 3 mature and 3 immature @Antidote Man may have just made a typo with all the 3's lol.
Anyways.. "to be effective upon publication of a Notice of Adoption in the New York State Register" is what the regulations read, so how do we find out if there is a notice of adoption?
good questions... i hope more people join in and validate all this... someone's got to know or it must be posted somewhere on the site. hoping my early jump on getting my med card can be put to some use...
Ok so the deadline to submit anything into the state register is Tuesdays at 11:59pm. The latest State Register was posted on Wednesday, April 13th, so I am guessing the State Register changes are posted every Wednesday (which is why the deadline is Tuesdays). The Board Meeting was on the 14th so we need to keep our fingers crossed for the April 20th publication of the State Register and hope we see a notice of adoption pop up.on there. So my guess is at this time since it is not in the State Registry it's not legal. Has anyone ever tried calling the phone number for the cannabis board? I wonder if we could somehow find out if they plan on making a notice of adoption..
the phone number is a recording rerouting back to the net/their email. they don't answers emails, at least not mine.

You're likely correct, its strange that some other key points are missing

'Revised Home Grow Regulations' says nothing about the new laws not being legitimate until such and such date, etc. It doesn't call it a 'resolution' either which leaves it a gray area but I've noticed with every other change they've made they stated the new rules are not adopted until they say so.

It certainly looks completed but if you can find that registrar info please post here when you know... they certainly seem to make all of this tricky for a reason...
It doesn't look good.. I just skimmed through the board meeting again, this woman specifically mentions that med cultivation won't be legal until after the 45 day comment period which begins may 4th and after they read and assess the comments and make any changes, then publish in the state register. Watch from the 16:00 until about the 16:40.
The whole med program was designed broken from the start. The only ones to benefit from that program were always the 10 MSO's that operate in NY and not the patients. The rec program is also going to be a total wreck just looking at how things are moving.
State senators this week passed a bill that would expand authority for the New York Office of Cannabis Management to seize illicit marijuana and for the state Department of Taxation and Finance to penalize people allegedly selling weed illegally.

NY Senate passes bill to crack down on illicit cannabis possession and sales (

I thought they wanted to help bring "legacy" growers/sellers into the program? how in the hell does this accomplish that.
I wish there was more info on how aggressive LE is being about growing right now. From the local LEOs I know, they all say they aren't even bothering people about it unless it is blatant or they need to hook the person for SOMETHING and that is all they have.

I dunno how that translates outside of my anecdote though.
Idk, seems like they don’t much care, almost like they don’t want the negative attention that spending time and resources on busting gardeners would bring, which I can understand. But I’m playing it safe, wouldn’t want to be the example.
I pride myself as one who follows the rules and respects the laws, I have enough fear over what happens to those that do not. it's taken years and I feel blessed that I made it through some serious darkness and confusion practically unscathed...

I also know that crystal meth, crack, heroine, fentanyl, etc are much more serious offenses and that the police are on the lookout for them most of all...

Waiting patiently for this to finalize so I can grow a couple of damn plants..
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and the next countdown begins...
Yeah what sucks tho is they won’t even address this until the next board meeting after June 20th, they seem the be monthly so that would be July.. if they don’t decide the revise the regulations again for the 3rd time it’ll get put into the state registry and made legal, this would be the shortest possible outcome. If they decide to revise the regulations again it’ll be at least another board meeting and another 45 day comment period and then the adoption to state registry thereafter. So best case scenario we’re looking at late July/August and the second best scenario October/November
It is funny how many (generally over 60 crowd) that I see here in Central NY just blatantly growing in their windows, outside, decks, etc.. I have talked to a couple of them, first high-fiving them for awesome grows but then asking them if they are worried about getting caught. Out of the 3 people I have talked to, 2 insist it is perfectly legal to the point where I don't want to argue and the 3rd had absolutely no idea it wasn't really legal yet to grow.

These are otherwise honest law abiding people who aren't lawyers, prosecutors or police but truthfully believe they are doing nothing illegal. If I am seeing that in my small town, you have to believe this is a statewide issue.

Last year I went to a friend's house who always has a very impressive vegetable garden, that you see as soon as you drive into their property. Right in front were 3 giant plants about 7' tall. They are rather popular people in town and know a lot of folks. I saw several police friends of theirs, there many times and not one even batted an eye.

Of course, it only takes one Barney Fife and there goes the neighborhood I guess.