3' x 3' Eden's Apple, Crazy Cow, and Runtz


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I havn't done a grow let alone a grow journal in over 10 years so bare with me.

Genetics: Elev8 Seeds paper towel method
2- Eden's Apple
2- Crazy Cow
2- Runz
Grow Space:
3' x 3' x 6' grow tent.
6" AC Infinity carbon scrubber and exhaust fan.
Mars Hydro 4800 Light. (Should arrive Thursday.)
Medium: Coco
Nutes: advanced nutrients.
I will be adding small fans here shortly.
I just finished getting my exhaust and intake completed. I may be starting a bit premature, but I am anxious to get things going. I should have ample time to get things together by the time seeds pop. I hope.

As stated, I have not popped a seed in over 10 years. I think the last strains I grew were TGA Genetics Vortex, chernoble, and some others I cannot remember. I am sure I will need some contructive critisizm and advice.
This should be interesting. Thanks for watching.
Comments are welcome.


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Well-Known Member
Great news!!! My light came in a day before expected. Got temps around 77 degrees.
2 of the Eden's Apples cracked, both Crazy Cows, but only 1 Runtz as of now. I will update pics once they break ground.


Well-Known Member
Hells ya! After a 10yr hiatus I can only imagine how stoked you feel. What is your approach for medium and nutes?
Oh man, you have no idea! Im anxiously waiting for them to break through medium. I am using Mother Earth Coco and Perlite pre mix.
Nutes I have aquired are, cal/mag, Flora Nova Grow, Flora Nova bloom, General Hydro Florolicious plus, and one more that I cannot remember that should be delivered soon. My ph and ppm meters showed up today along with my 2-6" clip on fans. I also grabbed a laser temp gun.


Well-Known Member
Ok, we had 1 dud seed which was one of the 2 Runtz.
Good news is, we have signs of LIFE!
I have named all 5 seedlings.
Crazy Cow #1 is DEJA MOO
Crazy Cow #2 is BELL
Eden's Apple #1 is EVE
Eden's Apple #2 is BETTY, (Betty White)
Runtz is MARY.

DEJA MOO broke ground!!!!

I will be aquiring a run off pan today to get rid of the temporary towel.
If feels so good getting back into my favorite hobby I have missed for so long.



Well-Known Member
Ok, we had 1 dud seed which was one of the 2 Runtz.
Good news is, we have signs of LIFE!
I have named all 5 seedlings.
Crazy Cow #1 is DEJA MOO
Crazy Cow #2 is BELL
Eden's Apple #1 is EVE
Eden's Apple #2 is BETTY, (Betty White)
Runtz is MARY.

DEJA MOO broke ground!!!!

I will be aquiring a run off pan today to get rid of the temporary towel.
If feels so good getting back into my favorite hobby I have missed for so long.
Congrats! Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Ok, we had 1 dud seed which was one of the 2 Runtz.
Good news is, we have signs of LIFE!
I have named all 5 seedlings.
Crazy Cow #1 is DEJA MOO
Crazy Cow #2 is BELL
Eden's Apple #1 is EVE
Eden's Apple #2 is BETTY, (Betty White)
Runtz is MARY.

DEJA MOO broke ground!!!!

I will be aquiring a run off pan today to get rid of the temporary towel.
If feels so good getting back into my favorite hobby I have missed for so long.
Welcome home!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Just wanted to get some up close pics for yall to see what you think. One of the plants bottom leafs got wet while feeding so there is a bit of nute/water light burn on it. The other one looks to show purple on each set of new leaf before eventually turning green. Is that the pheno? How do things look? Im feeding every other watering at 300 ppm. Also adding cal mag with each watering. I am guessing a have a couple more weeks before i need to transplant? I was thinking 5- 5 gallon pots should fit in the 3x3 space? Its been 10 years since I have grown so advice is much needed. Thanks.

