if you just made 2 cuts from unflused and flushed we wouldnt have this argument
i said 50%
If you only learned to feed your plants correctly. (see your latest DWC endeavour!)
Unfortunately most that advocate for flushing to remove excess nutrients from the plant have no idea wtf they are talking about.
And to start attributing harsh smoke etc to unflushed weed is rediculous to say the least.
If you are trying to perpetuate bro science then well done because most of your posts are actually advocating for it.
Maybe in the EU they still believe this crap but certainly not in the U.K.
if you quote any breeders websites that advocate for flushing then that’s one seed bank I would never use.
even Bruce Bugbee says flushing plants does sweet FA!
Now flushing your soil to remove excess nutrients - yes that’s a thing.
But to purposely cause your plant to cannibalise itself is just stupid. Let alone the fact that 90% of growers don’t even know when their harvest “window” is because they believed breeders time scales over when a plant is plump and ready.
Would you pick a green strawberry because the seed seller told you then only needed 4 weeks to flower?