Downstate here.
Prices are crazy right now ive never seen anything like it. Even in fucking NYC really good mids is $1k/LB and high end is 1500/LB theres still some top shelf upwards of 2500-3k/LB though but the quality isnt that much better than the 1500/LB.
But there are a lot of people still getting away with selling at 250/Ounce and 900/quarter LBs because its about who you know. Once the brick and mortar stores open around january 2023 there is going to be a big reshuffling of the landscape in NY.
But man I really do miss the days where i could get 4,500/LB any day of the week. And even 600 an OZ in the hey days of the Piff (aka Cuban Black Haze aka NL5xHaze)