Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I had a visitor....An old friend, the one who got me into indoor growing a few years back. We had a falling out so I hadn't seen him. First thing I said was "I have Covid, hang on and I'll come outside". He barged right in and said he didn't give a shit about Covid. OK then!!

He was telling me about another mutual old friend who is in rough shape from heroin... I was about wanting to puke hearing his description of puss and infection! You almost hope for someone like that to get arrested so they can get some medical treatment.

Well the lawn needs cutting here and tomorrow might be the day. I have to fire up the riding mower, but the battery is charging. Then I am supposed to help my buddy move on Sunday. It'll either cure me or kill me, but I feel like crap now....Not horrible, just blah with no energy mostly.


Well-Known Member

Just 5th Monday

bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie

my 3 year anniversary at this company.
1 for each year.

Got some time off scheduled, in May. Gonna be in Arizona for a week hanging out with my daughter. Really excited to see her. @Paul Drake :shock: :bigjoint: :-D:-D:-D:wink::wink: Yup!

The following week, mamashark and I are going to hit up a 4 day reggae fest. Typically 3 days but they added a day due to the cancelations from the last few years.
Should be a good time.

oh look a bowl



Well-Known Member
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Just 5th Monday

bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie

my 3 year anniversary at this company.
1 for each year.

Got some time off scheduled, in May. Gonna be in Arizona for a week hanging out with my daughter. Really excited to see her. @Paul Drake :shock: :bigjoint: :-D:-D:-D:wink::wink: Yup!

The following week, mamashark and I are going to hit up a 4 day reggae fest. Typically 3 days but they added a day due to the cancelations from the last few years.
Should be a good time.

oh look a bowl

Fly up here!

I thought it was only about a year or two there.


Well-Known Member
It's been a year in my position as global purchasing manager.

I'll have to rain check but I'll put it on the list. I've got to get out to Florida still.
I'm gonna make that a company paid trip. Lol.

Summers are what makes it......you know I love the snow but it's the summertime here that makes you love it. Or if you want we can rent the whole fucking ski resort to ourselves bongsmilie