Seen Zeitgeistmovie ?


Well-Known Member
Im interested on your take on this bit, is it as briliantly mind expanding as to me for you?

"Religion - A myth" ?


Active Member
I thought the movie was amazing, i only watched the first two parts, but i watch the 911 part about 4 times, and recommended it to my friends and family. It changed my view on the government, and religion( but i don't believe in god).


Well-Known Member
I thought the movie was amazing, i only watched the first two parts, but i watch the 911 part about 4 times, and recommended it to my friends and family. It changed my view on the government, and religion( but i don't believe in god).
yuuup. i love that religion bit, just makes religion reak of belimic bitches acid shit.


Well-Known Member
Seen Zeitgeist (both the original and Addendum) a couple of times.

My favorite quote is "I don't know what God is, but I know what he isn't".

Don't get me wrong, I do belong to a monotheistic faith but I do question the extent man has gone in "adapting" religions to serve their own agenda: mind-control and division.

I don't go so far as to say that Jesus never existed, but I also don't believe he was God's son (or God himself!)

While i love Zeitgeist, not all the facts are correct; especially the mythological references. For example, Jesus was never believed to be born on the 25th of December. Ask any Orthodox. Also, Horus' miracle birth is also inconsistent with Egyptian mythology.

I don't know what the truth it, but it's probably somewhere in the middle of two extremes.