Week 5 of flower


Active Member
I made a huge mistake. Everything was going fine and then I accidentally fed my plants about 4 days too early. I know I f***** up.

A lot of my plants have like lime green leaves now which I'm assuming is from nute lockout.

So I'm flushing my plants.

My question is how bad did I fuck up? Am I gonna end up with third rate meds now because of this?

I mean my run was perfect and now it's s***.

Also these were only vegged 3 weeks and I'm planning on taking them 12 so I still have 7 more weeks of flower

I want to blow my fucking brains out right now. Everything was fucking perfect. I've been growing for 2 years and this was the first run I had where everything was flawless.

If I don't respond to this post I've offed myself.




Active Member
chill man dont off yourself haha

what medium what nutes what temps what lights? give more info. tbh it doesnt look bad
General hydroponics flora series cool bloom floralicious at about 1300 PPM with Fox farm Happy frog soil temps are around 78 during the day


Well-Known Member
General hydroponics flora series cool bloom floralicious at about 1300 PPM with Fox farm Happy frog soil temps are around 78 during the day
yeah i have no experience with those but someone who grows with those will help you i’m sure. does the schedule of gh calls for any grow nutes in bloom?


Active Member
They look good. They are still growing and eating a lot. Seems they are hungry. This is probably around when you should have your highest feed.

So maybe not enough food? But hard to say. Feeding early 1 time should not lock everything out.
They look good? How so. Even the good leaves are like green. Lime green leaves have less chlorophyll. The chlorophyll is what converts the light into energy to produce buds. Lime green leaves are like having a half charged battery but expecting to get a full 8 hours of work done on your laptop. It ain't happening.


Well-Known Member
They look good? How so. Even the good leaves are like green. Lime green leaves have less chlorophyll. The chlorophyll is what converts the light into energy to produce buds. Lime green leaves are like having a half charged battery but expecting to get a full 8 hours of work done on your laptop. It ain't happening.
Lime green is what you want....dark green is to much N....


Well-Known Member
How do you accidentally feed your plants?

Did you flush with food or straight water?

What is the soil and how did it go this far without food?


Active Member
How do you accidentally feed your plants?

Did you flush with food or straight water?

What is the soil and how did it go this far without food?
How did it go this far without food? What are you saying? Honestly some of the people here should quit smoking their brains are fried.


Well-Known Member
@myke is just trying to decipher your post and figure out what you meant, in order to help.

Fuck, why do so many MFers get defensive about the help received here?? Damn bro, chill. It's weed, not fucking speed.

Color looks fine, the leaves have a nice medium-green and are a nice matte shade and not shiny. You're fine. There's definitely charts to follow for those nutrients, i used those for almost a couple years.

If growing is so stressful for you, then just stick to buying weed. Problem solved.


Active Member
Trollitup is such trash the mods make no attempt to filter out the scum. Such a shame they don't take a more proactive stance. Btw his question was retarded. Dumb questions demand dumb responses.


Well-Known Member
Trollitup is such trash the mods make no attempt to filter out the scum. Such a shame they don't take a more proactive stance. Btw his question was retarded. Dumb questions demand dumb responses.
You flushed soil bro...let the ego die. I know it's painful, but it'll help you in the long run.


Well-Known Member
What are talking about. You can flush soil retard. It's not just for coco. Soil can become overly saturated with nutes. Do you even grow? And I don't mean toe cheese in your mother's basement.
You just showed half yellow plants and asking if I even grow? :rolleyes: