dad ruined it

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Active Member
i had a young plant, just old enough to be able to tell if it were a male or female. turned out to be a female, but my dad came acrossed it and tore the top leaves and something in between the leaves to smoke it. just wondering if it was ok enough to keep growing how it is, or if it will stunt the growth or what?


ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
dude without sounding to harsh but , you really need to do some research on how to grow weed , even if your dad hadnt smoked some fan leaves those plants still look awfull , they are stretched as fuck and have hardley any leaf structure the nodes are about half a foot apart
what lighting are you using ?

Big P

Well-Known Member
you cant get high off it unless its been flowering at least 6 weeks

it will be fine but dont let him do it anymore there no point

grow her proper and start charging him for buds :mrgreen:


Active Member
well i recently stole this plant, and have been taking care of it for the last week or so. so what are you guys saying? should i keep it or trash it


Well-Known Member
Yeah... I agree that's some pretty bad plant abuse... stretching insanely, you should figure out a lighting layout more efficient to your grow room bud.
And as far as the whole ripping off the top, it's all good.. no stress, mary jane's a strong one... just try to avoid stupid shit like that.



Well-Known Member
Wait... WHAT?.. You stole a plant.. I hope you have a good explanation for that, or you're gonna get a lot of haters man.


Well-Known Member
Learn how to grow, watch "I grow chronic" on youtube and whatever else you can find.

You aren't taking care of that plant properly as others have said. Super stretchy and spindly, couldn't even hold itself up if you flowered as is it would flop over and you'd hardly get anything off it.

We know you don't have a proper light from how it looks, or aren't using your light properly.

If it keeps growing then fine, continue with it. But fix all the things you are doing wrong and clone it so you have more to grow than just one plant.

Lastly why are all you others so misonformed about smoking leaves? Leaves have a few trichomes along the veigns and you can sure as hell get high off leaves even in early veg it just takes more than bud to get the same high.

If you're all throwing away your leaf material and not harvesting the trichs to make hash you're showing just how ignorant you actually are.

Oh shit you stole it? You stupid little piece of shit mother fucking asshole I hope you get busted with it.


Well-Known Member
oregonmeds, your signature is funny as hell...and yeah, i to would bag it up and put it in her given the chance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if it's a female make some clones and start over. It would definately recover from just a few leaves pulled off but it's WAY too stretched. Get more light on it or if your using CFLs get them closer! I am growing under CFLs and my nodes are about and inch apart.
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