Has any body been growing cmh lights for 5+ years and have eye damage?

Method 7 glasses and Ray bans are not even close to being the same! Have you ever worn a real pair of Method 7 glasses, im not talking about the cheap knock offs at the grow shop for $20. Go into a grow room with at least 600 watts, try the ran bans you have and then try the approiate Method 7 glasses. You'll change your mind.
I guess I’ll need more power none of my 17 rooms come close to 600 watts. Just for you I have real method 7s the agent led ones I also have ray bans and two pairs of oakleys one of which as 3 years of combat duty on them. Regular ass ray bans block all of the aforementioned uv’s what do you think the sun puts off? Do you regularly stare at the sun and only breathe air for food? To note I don't do anything the cheap way I generally go big or simply don’t go at all.
I guess I’ll need more power none of my 17 rooms come close to 600 watts. Just for you I have real method 7s the agent led ones I also have ray bans and two pairs of oakleys one of which as 3 years of combat duty on them. Regular ass ray bans block all of the aforementioned uv’s what do you think the sun puts off? Do you regularly stare at the sun and only breathe air for food? To note I don't do anything the cheap way I generally go big or simply don’t go at all.
How many homes and businesses have CMH for vanity lighting in bathrooms? 750Watts in mine. Who wears goggles in the bathroom?

Messed up but you are probably doing more eye damage driving in low angle sun or picking zits in the mirror thing.
Any glasses that block UV will work. I've been trying to find some grow room glasses that will fit over my prescription reading glasses and won't need a 2nd mortgage to buy. I picked up a goofy golf visor to shade my eyes without baking my brains like ball caps do.

Was using a 400W Philips CMH for veg but swapped that out for the 600W Hortilux SHPS a month ago.

I always have worn decent polarized shades when out and it's bright. Working outside up north here snow blindness is a real thing. Spent a lot of time on the water fishing and that fries us redheads good too.

20 years under HID and my last eye exam was all good.

I recently got some Foster Grants (Sun Readers) that work really well for $39. They transition from long vision (at the top) to reading vision (at the bottom)... great find for me. I had been wearing M7's over my prescription glasses.. this is much easier and less cumbersome. Look them up.. I have these in 2.50's...... https://www.fostergrant.com/braydon-multi-focus-tinted-sunreader Polarized and all ... my favorite glasses to wear anywhere. I still use my M7's when I remember, and don't have any detail work to do, but otherwise, I use these with a bucket hat.
I wear Otis Eyewear. Much better than Ray Ban or Oakley. Lenses are made of mineral glass.

That video was impressive. My question is are the lenses as shatter resistant as polycarbonate or whatever they use for sports lenses? My riding or everyday glasses are the original Arnet Ravens. The Method's are better at color definition of plants though.
That video was impressive. My question is are the lenses as shatter resistant as polycarbonate or whatever they use for sports lenses? My riding or everyday glasses are the original Arnet Ravens. The Method's are better at color definition of plants though.
Naw, I dropped my first pair and shattered them on the sidewalk. Good thing I got them on a major discount. Bought another pair, and have been more careful. They will almost never scratch though. My only worry about that is when I wear them when riding my motorcycle and have my helmet shield open.. It is super unlikely, but if a tiny rock happened to hit the lens when I'm riding, it could shatter the lens and painfully blind me. I bought my wife a pair, and she fucking loves them.
Naw, I dropped my first pair and shattered them on the sidewalk. Good thing I got them on a major discount. Bought another pair, and have been more careful. They will almost never scratch though. My only worry about that is when I wear them when riding my motorcycle and have my helmet shield open.. It is super unlikely, but if a tiny rock happened to hit the lens when I'm riding, it could shatter the lens and painfully blind me. I bought my wife a pair, and she fucking loves them.
I'm sure she loves getting on that hog, :mrgreen:

With the glasses I mean, :lol:
Haha, naw she won't ride with me. She says that we can't both die or the kids won't have any parents left.
My Aunt and Uncle would fly to OK from CA on different flights for this reason. Of course, this was back when commercial flights were going down left and right, but.. understandable.
They now believe that AMD and dementia are linked....That scares the hell out of me too.

My mom is still sharp as a tack so no dementia there. It's my birth mother had the dementia. She died just 6 months before I finally made contact with my birth family. Took my father's name to the grave with her. My 5 half-siblings knew nothing about me at all. B-mom also had serious arthritis and I got that in spades. They still haven't made the changes needed in MAID here to use it to take the easy way out if you have dementia. You have to be lucid enough to sign off on it just before it's done and WTF. If I get dementia I'll eat my shotgun before I forget how to load it. No way I'm going out the way those people I saw in the hospital while in for 10 days for a blown appendix. Constipation my local doc says and I've never been constipated my whole life.

I'm praying to Jah that I didn't get those particular genetics. angel.gif

Since you know you have the genetics, you might want to start taking these special vitamins.

I'm already taking all of those except for the Zeaxanthin 2 mg. The zinc and copper I've taken for decades and especially now for my enlarged prostate but I take other stuff for that too like saw palmetto etc etc. I take a shotglass full of pills every day and not one has a prescription attached.

Taking RSO for 4 months before my last MRI last Aug shrunk it from 75cc to 55cc and blew my urologist's mind. Dropped the PSA down by almost 2 full points. Now I'm taking both THC and CBD concentrated oils hoping that the CBD will reduce any inflammation in the prostate and thereby reduce my PSA number so he stops bugging me to get a biopsy. The PSA came up that same amount my last test so another in 2 months and I want it down a bit. We had planned to get the next MRI in '23, 2 years after the last one and now he's flipping out over the wandering PSA numbers. A buddy here has 4th stage prostate cancer and I've given him about 40cc of RSO so far Got 3 - 10cc syringes ready to go for him Some for my neighbour up the road from us too. He looks like crap but he's on some nasty pharma meds as well. Same urologist.

Getting late and I got more plants to water yet upstairs here. Pollinated some buds on a branch of my CBD girl with resexed pollen I got off her mom last Aug. Hope it's still good but had it stored in a jar with Drierite colour changing drying crystals so should be OK.
