Where do you get fabric pots?

Oh also, turns out that reusing fabric pots isn't as big a deal as i initially thought. I was all paranoid about "cross contamination" or harboring pests, but as long as you hot-rinse and clean em up really well, they're totally reusable. Saving myself a few extra bucks by doing this now.
I’ve got bags I’m ashamed for people to see growing pot I’m proud for them to smoke.
Local hydro shop or ebay.
Yes you can go straight from solo cup to a 5 gal but it does take some practice to water them correctly with such a big jump in size in coco anyway. Alot of people will tell you that you can't over water in coco, but that's wrong you absolutely can over water them with a small plant/ root system in a big pot it takes some practice to get right.
If you want to go with cloth pots I'd highly recommend Vivosun cloth pots.

If you want something slightly more expensive but better for growth, reuse, and ease of potting and up potting then I'd recommend air pots.
@Retired engineer had some really nice square ones I've been wanting to go with to help out with space issues and they fit perfectly in milk crates for stacking and carrying. Hopefully he'll chime in with where he got them, I can't remember.
Where do you get them? Home Depot, Local grow shop, websites?

This is for a soil & organic fert grow.. in a 4ftx4ft

What sizes should i be aiming for, after the solo-cup stage? 1 gallon, then 5 gallon? Is it possible to go from the solo cup straight to the 5 or 7 gallon?
amazon for grow bags,i go from solo to 3 ,5 or 10 all the time
I use a super esoteric grow site called amazon.com.

But really not so often. I've been reusing my bags for a bunch of grows. I really only do 5g bags, and my smaller ones are all plastic pots.