how do you check if the soil is ready to use? I saved my coco coir with organic inputs, the soil is completely dried out right now thoughOf course you can. Or just add compost and fertilizer and use it for another run… nutes or not. Soil does not degrade it just becomes inactive over time; adding compost (worm castings) will recharge it while fertilizer/amendments replace npk value. If you plan to use this soil indefinitely I suggest adding in some dolomite lime along with everything else and then let it set for a few weeks to normalize ph.
That’s not really organic soil unless you add a bunch of compost to it. I would add about 1/3 worm castings to your coco mix along with an assortment of amendments, fertilizer, minerals and perlite. Usually takes about 30 days for whatever organic inputs you put in the mix to normalize ph depending upon what/how much you added. Ph range at the root zone is the best measure but you’ll need a decent soil probe or do a slurry test to find this out. If you simply wait a month you can usually get away without checking ph at all; I never do you check if the soil is ready to use? I saved my coco coir with organic inputs, the soil is completely dried out right now though