Sad and Droopy plants


Well-Known Member
For some reason these plants look sad and droopy. Otherwise they are healthy.

I had an over-fert situation several weeks back and haven't fertilized since.

Temps range between low 70's and 79F. RH is in the low 40%.

They're not over watered.


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They look underwatered. Leaves and stems bent over.

Also, they look like they could benefit from a transplant.

Hope someone can chime in and help you whittle this issue down.

I don't think they're under watered but to eliminate that I'll water to runoff right now.

Lights go off in a few. I'll post a new pic tonight once the lights go back on, 8 hours.
I've had a couple runs of plants do this recently, one was over ferted and it zapped the roots and they were super sensitive to watering after that. It helped to let them dry COMPLETELY out before I re-watered them again. Also make sure you water to runoff every time. I was also causing many issues by only watering a small bit to wet the soil, and the plants seemed to be fine with the amount of water. But it was causing my roots at the bottom to die and lots of mineral buildup in the soil.
if not underwatered, overwatered to the point roots have rotted so water uptake is reduced i dont know they look underwatered to me too when you were transplanting outside were the roots ok? any dry spots in the medium? funky smells?
Yea I thought underwatering was my problem too. It actually ended up being overwatering, plants weren't drinking bc there was some root damage. So when I would water when I "thought" they were dry I was actually kind of drowning them. Once I let them dry out a lot, I'm talking like a week and a half without water, they started to recover. If I was OP I would water good to runoff, and if the plants don't improve I'd wait until they are bone dry before watering again.

On a different note, I've recently started using fabric pots over nursery pots and am having much less on an issue with over/ under watering.

Hope you get them figured out OP
Yea I thought underwatering was my problem too. It actually ended up being overwatering, plants weren't drinking bc there was some root damage. So when I would water when I "thought" they were dry I was actually kind of drowning them. Once I let them dry out a lot, I'm talking like a week and a half without water, they started to recover. If I was OP I would water good to runoff, and if the plants don't improve I'd wait until they are bone dry before watering again.

On a different note, I've recently started using fabric pots over nursery pots and am having much less on an issue with over/ under watering.

Hope you get them figured out OP

i just switched from fabric pots to plastic pots because i was overwatering in the fabrics to compensate for the dry ring that forms on the edges of the soil. plus i really wanted square pots. i’m very happy with them so far extended my watering from every 1-2 days to 3-4 days and it works.
When I transplanted the roots were fine. No odd looks or smells.

The plant outside seemed dry so I watered it.

The plants inside each took a gallon of water with runoff. I'll post another pic at lights on, 7 hours or so.

The only other thing I can think of is PH. But I haven't been fiddling with PH since the big over-fert. "KISS"

Thanks for the assits so far. We'll gaze upon them later.
It's been eight hours. The plants really don't look much better.

At this point I could swap them into different pots with different soil. I've been using Pro-Mix but not the "CC".

PRO-MIX HPCC is a High Porosity – Chunk Coir growing medium that contains a base of sphagnum peat moss, chunk coir and perlite.


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For some reason these plants look sad and droopy. Otherwise they are healthy.

I had an over-fert situation several weeks back and haven't fertilized since.

Temps range between low 70's and 79F. RH is in the low 40%.

They're not over watered.
Has your soil become hydrophobic?
This is the soil, which should be fine.

PRO-MIX HPCC is a High Porosity – Chunk Coir growing medium that contains a base of sphagnum peat moss, chunk coir and perlite. It ideal for large potted crops (4 inch - 10 cm or larger), hanging baskets and large containers when high water holding capacity is desired without sacrificing high air porosity.
at this point maybe back the lights off a bit, turn the fans off and let them dry out well. if roots have circled time for up potting maybe? also if you were completely going without nutes maybe a little bit of feeding is in order but something higher in K as K is useful in maintaining the turgidity of leaves and if my eyes are not playing tricks on me i think i see burned tips and serrations here and there, may be early K def. i’d give them some care and space, let them recover.
I would bet ph, it's just not taking up water because it dosent wanna eat what's available. Anyone suggested a slurry test? Also could be In shock still if you aren't very good at up potting