Clones plastic bags


Well-Known Member
Hopefully u will be good with clones , I did hydro in the early day over 30 years ago ,I used to do a lot of cloneing ,grow the plant and take outdoor to bud ,I have just started at it again trying to get confidence back ,hopefully clones will route and all will be good,thanks for advice ,in qld it is still illegal we are a bit behind u .ps I am trying to reveg clones as well .
Thanks, I was up at his place all night taking care of them and cutting new ones. Decided to try a few in the solo cups just to see if I can get it to work. Can't hurt anything, they're just snips off a mother and it's the only way I'll get better. Now it's just a waiting game and trying to get them warmed up.
My wife won't go anywhere she can't carry her pistol and Starbucks is not gun friendly. Works out good since their coffee tastes burnt to me and is just crazy expensive.
Mate in Australia u will have a hard time ever seeing a gun ,government had a buy back scheme ,u had to hand guns in ,been about 10 years now ,at least we can’t have mass shootings ,all u can do here is through rocks at each other lol,Starbucks came to Australia we didn’t like the taste either and they packed up and went home ..


Well-Known Member
Thanks, it's something I had never had access to as far as purchasing until last year and since November I've been kicking and screaming trying to get roots each time I've tried. I've managed, but it's been a real fight and my plant skills aren't bad so I was frustrated. Hopefully like with growing bud, it will come with practice.

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Thanks, it's something I had never had access to as far as purchasing until last year and since November I've been kicking and screaming trying to get roots each time I've tried. I've managed, but it's been a real fight and my plant skills aren't bad so I was frustrated. Hopefully like with growing bud, it will come with practice.
No gel or anything. Straight into the cube


Well-Known Member
Yeah, everyone posts how easy it is and it just kills me. I can grow pretty nice bud. I'm no guru that's for sure, but I get high as fuck off it and don't deal with a lot of issues in my garden so this has been pretty frustrating. The hard part is they are delicate like seedlings and I have to be really careful handling them. My hands shake all the time, worse on some days but all the time, so handling small and delicate things is tricky. It's just something I need to figure out how to adapt to my way of doing things and this aeroponics thing seems pretty bullet proof once you figure out the right water mix. That's how I got the others to root before so hopefully it works better now that I have a new pump.


Well-Known Member
I see you said you're in Australia, my wife and I used to watch a TV show called Bondai Beach on American TV many years ago and it was mostly tourists getting really hurt and lifeguards having to put them on back boards at least twice an episode with a cervical collar on because they had gotten so beaten up by the surf. We made a game out of it where we had to do bong rips every time they said C spine for cervical spine injury abbreviation. We'd be wasted by the end of every show. They also had some really nasty little jelly fish that would show up when the current and the wind were a certain way and it was funny how they could put up signs warning everyone in 10 different languages but no matter what idiots still went in and got tagged. Nasty looking really red welts. You have to have a decent set of nuts on ya to live down there I'd say. Everything that walks, swims, flies or crawls wants to kill you. It is absolutely beautiful country from what I've seen though and the best fucking football on the planet. I love Australia rules football. No commercials and no time outs. My man Charlie is the shit!


Well-Known Member
That’s fine. Leave them alone. Stick to one method. Don’t go tryin everyone’s little quirks and tricks. Just keep the simplicity of it for now. Clip. Dip. Sit. Don’t touch for 10 days.
if this literally works for me everytime. It will work for you. I can actually promise. Don’t let everyone with their pissing contest of roots discourage you either. Just keep simple.
That’s fine. Leave them alone. Stick to one method. Don’t go tryin everyone’s little quirks and tricks. Just keep the simplicity of it for now. Clip. Dip. Sit. Don’t touch for 10 days.
if this literally works for me everytime. It will work for you. I can actually promise. Don’t let everyone with their pissing contest of roots discourage you either. Just keep simple.
Exactly keep it simple ,my name is simon lol.