Miracle grow question HELP!

Im using black gold all organic soil this run but next run im making my own soil. I dont like the mass amounts of mulch in black gold other than that its good i think.

I use that soil straight out of the bag. In fact I have plants growing in it right now. I mix my own soil using recycled soil, vermicompost and EWC I make. Plus I add some amendments. But I buy the Black Gold for when I have soil plants indoors like I do now. They'll get transplanted into what I mix up but I don't bring that indoors as it's got bugs and worms in it.

These are growing in BlackGold Organic. They seem to be happy. Just plain water straight from the tap so far.

I use that soil straight out of the bag. In fact I have plants growing in it right now. I mix my own soil using recycled soil, vermicompost and EWC I make. Plus I add some amendments. But I buy the Black Gold for when I have soil plants indoors like I do now. They'll get transplanted into what I mix up but I don't bring that indoors as it's got bugs and worms in it.

These are growing in BlackGold Organic. They seem to be happy. Just plain water straight from the tap so far.

They look good! If that soil didnt have so much mulch in it id keep buying it but man i separated it and got a whole pot full of mulch.
What is in that Miracle-Gro that's nasty? It has some of the same ingredients in it that are in that BS stuff.

And Monsanto does not own Miracle-Gro if that's what you think.
Scotts owns Miracle-Gro, and Scotts is the primary disrtibutor of Monsanto's Round Up in North America. So, that makes them an evil company in my opinion. They are right up there with citarette distributors; knowing distributing and selling a product known to cause cancer and kill people.
MG gets a bad rap because of stuff going on with round up and Scott's and all that. Shit happens but that don't mean it's a bad fert or whatever. I don't grow in soil so I can't say if it is good to use for weed.
That's not true, but they are partners.
Funny how as soon as they merged with MG in what like 1998 they suddenly started acquiring as many companies as possible. And they are also the company pushing round up for Monsanto. They are two heads of the same beast.
MG gets a bad rap because of stuff going on with round up and Scott's and all that. Shit happens but that don't mean it's a bad fert or whatever. I don't grow in soil so I can't say if it is good to use for weed.
With so many other options I'm just saying why even use MG? If not only for the fact of who's pockets they line
Scotts owns Miracle-Gro, and Scotts is the primary disrtibutor of Monsanto's Round Up in North America. So, that makes them an evil company in my opinion. They are right up there with citarette distributors; knowing distributing and selling a product known to cause cancer and kill people.
Yep they are are the PRIMARY distributor of round up. That alone is enough.
People die in or get hurt in cars every day what's the difference?
I'd rather die in a car crash fast than slowly by cancer caused by a chemical that I used cause I just wanted less weeds in my yard lol. Everyone knows the risk if driving. They poisoned thousands of unexpected victims. And also has been linked to this explosion of wheat Intolerance and stomach issues.
or AN that has a pedo as one of their executives
You are from Colorado. You should watch Colorado ped patrol on YouTube they catch chomos all over Colorado. There are tons of groups all over doing it, it's fun to watch the catches and see these chomos die inside and get arrested.
Scotts Miracle-Gro also owns GH, Botanicare, Gavita, Titan Controls and another 40 other primarily cannabis focused companies through their subsidiary Hawthorne Gardening.

They were also the biggest donor for the successful cannabis legalization effort in New Jersey and have worked for legalization efforts all across the country. They're a business. Their goal is to make money. Distributing Roundup is profitable which is why they do it. If they stopped distributing Roundup it would still be on the shelves. Someone else would take their place and distribute it.
Scotts Miracle-Gro also owns GH, Botanicare, Gavita, Titan Controls and another 40 other primarily cannabis focused companies through their subsidiary Hawthorne Gardening.

They were also the biggest donor for the successful cannabis legalization effort in New Jersey and have worked for legalization efforts all across the country. They're a business. Their goal is to make money. Distributing Roundup is profitable which is why they do it. If they stopped distributing Roundup it would still be on the shelves. Someone else would take their place and distribute it.
Another reason why I ditched botanicare and gavita and now luxx. Oh well. And we don't want legalized cannabis we want decriminalization. They want it legal so MG and Scott's can own everything in a super regulated over taxed market