Well-Known Member
Oh lookLuckily it worked in this scenario Wednesday:
Police: Woman with pistol killed man who shot at crowd of people in Charleston
UPDATED: 8:30 a. m. , 5/26/22. Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston. Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near
Woman with Pistol Stops Man Firing at Graduation Party Crowd with AR-15
An alleged attacker with an AR-15 was shot dead Wednesday night by a woman who was carrying a pistol for
A perfect example or right wing confirmation bias.
I know it means something to somebody who clings to the false idea that they are safer with a gun. Reality is that there are tens of thousands dead due to gun homicides each year and maybe a handful of times the good guy with a gun prevented anything. Not to mention that when the mass murderer is white and they kill scores of black people, cops buy him a meal at McDonalds.
That said, I'm glad for the lives saved. It reminds me of the time a right wing white terrorist was stopped after he "only killed on person and wounded three others" at a BLM protest rally in Portland this spring. It happens sometimes. The few times the bad guy is stopped is not really worth liberal gun laws.