I know I’m gonna need support or trellis


Active Member
Any suggestions on how I should approach this I was looking online for one that is pre built that will just stand over top but can’t be that lucky lol



Well-Known Member
Cheap way in middle, more expensive but still cheaper way is using the "task support rods" and ziptie/tie netting to it. Beats raising PVC prices with DIY projects and having shit in your way.
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Active Member
Attach 1" pvc poles to the corners and one in the middle length wise and string your netting across.
bamboo sticks. you are already missing a sealed off area. no need to net. long term i recommend a tent or panda film and a framed in enclosure.
Cheap way in middle, more expensive but still cheaper way is using the "task support rods" and ziptie/tie netting to it. Beats raising PVC prices with DIY projects and having shit in your way.
View attachment 5142449
i appreciate it I’m gonna look into that pvc is high and I would need a lot. Also what do you use for nats bug’s etc?