Need suggestions


New Member
First time grower here in NY.. absolutely abused these (sprouted april 15th) had no consistent schedule until now.. am I over doing the training.. Should I defoliate the one further into flower with all those grow sites or just leave em alone? any help appreciated.. also can I expect much more vertical growth?

The last three pictures where they look dead are from May 6th.. I brought them outside about 2 weeks ago after transplant... strain is Sour Stomper by Mephisto and I'm growing in happy frog and started using fox farm trio nutes about a week ago.. bit confusing since one of the two is further into flower than the othet.. any advice welcomed, THANK YOU!



Well-Known Member
Those are autos, I'd leave them alone and stop messing with them. They only grow a certain amount, so if you stunt them when they are small, they might not grow much. Let them do their thing!


New Member
Those are autos, I'd leave them alone and stop messing with them. They only grow a certain amount, so if you stunt them when they are small, they might not grow much. Let them do their thing!
they are already super stunted unfortunately.. one started flowering before I even tranfered yet still grew a little bit more.. I dont have much hope for that one to stretch much more if at all.. the lankier one I have more hope for .. seems to be getting taller by the day

