Nibiru / Eros / Planet X


Well-Known Member
you can...there's millions of red dwarfs out there...just dont know which one is ours..supposedly by mid 09 we'll be able to see it in the northern hemisphere with a tele.

Dont get me wrong...I dont whole heartedly believe in all this...It's just an interesting topic that I've been researching. And I ultimately hope its all BS.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I am still waiting on the scientific evidence. Everyone I know in the field puts "Nibiru" right up there with biblical creationism.
Yes, or notice its gravitational pull on the planets,our sun, and everything else in the solar system.My point is, there has been an "end of days" scenario for every age.The Jehovah's witnesses swore the world would end All through the 1900's.Anyone remember Y2k?Come on folks, we're imaging planets in other star systems, you telling me we can't find our "companion" star or an earth sized planet in an eccentric orbit past the Oort cloud? This is some interesting reading.
lol if it was a star then chances are you could see it from some home telescopes.


Well-Known Member
They have found an earth like gliesce 581. It's 1.5x bigger than earth. Orbits a red star. Has two other gas giants in the system..

You have to realize...this will always be in speculation until it is undeniable. If the world knew that this planet was doomed there would be widespread panic(isnt that a band name?), and anarchy. the smartest thing governments can do is say its bullshit, pay scientists to confirm its bullshit, and keep the blinders on the people..

All I can say is buy a tele, notice the changes in weather i.e stronger hurricanes, tornados, and warmer weather. The poles have shifted before and they will shift again

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Now, the changes in the earth, I have noticed.But I think it's a more local event.Like, the natural changes the Earth goes through over the years.As for the star, I meant within our Solar system.Gliese is Not in our solar system.
They have found an earth like gliesce 581. It's 1.5x bigger than earth. Orbits a red star. Has two other gas giants in the system..

You have to realize...this will always be in speculation until it is undeniable. If the world knew that this planet was doomed there would be widespread panic(isnt that a band name?), and anarchy. the smartest thing governments can do is say its bullshit, pay scientists to confirm its bullshit, and keep the blinders on the people..

All I can say is buy a tele, notice the changes in weather i.e stronger hurricanes, tornados, and warmer weather. The poles have shifted before and they will shift again


Well-Known Member
They have found an earth like gliesce 581. It's 1.5x bigger than earth. Orbits a red star. Has two other gas giants in the system..
How the hell is a gas giant "earth life"?

You have to realize...this will always be in speculation until it is undeniable. If the world knew that this planet was doomed there would be widespread panic(isnt that a band name?), and anarchy. the smartest thing governments can do is say its bullshit, pay scientists to confirm its bullshit, and keep the blinders on the people..
You can't disprove a negative. You can't prove that the whole universe isn't sitting on the back of a giant turtle. There is no evidence that points to having another planet or star effecting earth. A global scientific conspiracy is absolutely stupid. The fact that I can buy a pretty powerful telescope at fuckin' costco is enough evidence to debunk that.

How come the skeptics are the ones with blinders even though you chose to ignore all evidence that you are wrong?

All I can say is buy a tele, notice the changes in weather i.e stronger hurricanes, tornados, and warmer weather. The poles have shifted before and they will shift again
Or do a little fucking research and find out that weather patterns are the same as they have always been.


Well-Known Member
earths weather is directly effected by gravity, if ther were no gravity rain would not FALL, likewise, if the poles shift then so does the weathered areas, for instance greenland would no longer be icy and the antartic would no longer be frozen, new oceans would appear or get larger due to earthquakes because of the pole shift breaking landmass into water, tsunamis

anyways nibiru is supposed to be visible by 2009, and by 2011 appearant to the world, easily seen by all. Nibiru is supposed to come in between us and the sun, MARS is between us and the sun and we can see mars. Nibiru will not look like a start however like mars does because nibiru is bigger than jupiter, therefore it will look like a mini sun

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
We would have seen it.We can see earth sized stars OUTSIDE of our solar system.A Jupiter like planet is easily detected.Come on now.And the shift of the poles is of the magnetic poles.The crust will likely remain stationary.The shift of the magnetic poles is usually gradual, and will not have a big effect on life.
earths weather is directly effected by gravity, if ther were no gravity rain would not FALL, likewise, if the poles shift then so does the weathered areas, for instance greenland would no longer be icy and the antartic would no longer be frozen, new oceans would appear or get larger due to earthquakes because of the pole shift breaking landmass into water, tsunamis

anyways nibiru is supposed to be visible by 2009, and by 2011 appearant to the world, easily seen by all. Nibiru is supposed to come in between us and the sun, MARS is between us and the sun and we can see mars. Nibiru will not look like a start however like mars does because nibiru is bigger than jupiter, therefore it will look like a mini sun


Well-Known Member
earths weather is directly effected by gravity, if ther were no gravity rain would not FALL, likewise, if the poles shift then so does the weathered areas, for instance greenland would no longer be icy and the antartic would no longer be frozen, new oceans would appear or get larger due to earthquakes because of the pole shift breaking landmass into water, tsunamis

anyways nibiru is supposed to be visible by 2009, and by 2011 appearant to the world, easily seen by all. Nibiru is supposed to come in between us and the sun, MARS is between us and the sun and we can see mars. Nibiru will not look like a start however like mars does because nibiru is bigger than jupiter, therefore it will look like a mini sun
You do realize that whatever side was facing the star when it came between "us and the sun" would be baked right? Also bigger than Jupiter? Are you fucking serious? ANYTHING bigger than Jupiter crossing between us and the sun is going to take up like 1/3s of the visible sky. If it was a star then it would irradiate whichever side of the earth was facing it.

How anyone who has ever cracked a scinece book can believe this stuff is beyond me......


Well-Known Member
niburi is not a star

however, i agree with you on the size thing, this thread is just for discussion, not to diminish someones credibility


Well-Known Member
We would have seen it.We can see earth sized stars OUTSIDE of our solar system.A Jupiter like planet is easily detected.Come on now.And the shift of the poles is of the magnetic poles.The crust will likely remain stationary.The shift of the magnetic poles is usually gradual, and will not have a big effect on life.

yeah i know that, its not close enough yet for it to be that visible, the planet orbits a star, and that star is light years away from us, the orbit is oval shaped that is how nibiru comes in and effects our planet.....supposedly

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
But We would have seen it by now.Because unless it's moving at the speed of light, it will not just appear in the next four years, after being undetected for the last 300 or so.A comet is more likely to get us.Or a meteor.Or a bad virus.:mrgreen:
yeah i know that, its not close enough yet for it to be that visible, the planet orbits a star, and that star is light years away from us, the orbit is oval shaped that is how nibiru comes in and effects our planet.....supposedly


Well-Known Member
I have been looking into the Mayans and how in the hell these, basically, jungle people developed mathematics and calendars better then the ones we use, have stated the end of the world Dec.21 2012. Apparently they have carvings of a 13th planet or planet X, Nibiru. It is supposed to pass through our solar system on a 3600 yr. orbit. There is lots on u-tube under planet X. Oh, also Nostradamus also predicted the end of the world 2012, Due to the eight crosses of latitude and longitude with our sun being exactly in the center of the galaxy. Do you think Nostradamus even knew about the Mayans? I think not! This has interested me for an answer. But when I started looking things up on them I found a lot more then I think I wanted to see. The whole New World Order thing, involving most of the government, and guilders secret society etc. This is a very scary thing if true. I watch Discovery Earth a lot and know a planet could blow up and destroy us with gamma rays alone, not even including asteroids etc. Oh and the Poles have shifted. There is proof the arctic ice shelf is only about 4000 y/o???? And Russia had just uncovered a tropical mammoth with food froze in its throat. What caused the poles to shift so dramatically?? Just to make all go HUH? Just my .02 on the subject, could be real, won't know until its too late so smoke em if you got em!!!!! Party till 2012!!!!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
First, there are 8 planets,since Pluto has been demoted.Where do you get 13 from?Many of Nostradamus's quatrains were wrong, and they're all so damn vague they are VERY open to interpretation.3600 years ago, humans were about, and there were historical records.None mentioned a gigantic planet destroying all life as we know it.And if it had,then there would be no historical records after that time, and no folks on here discussing it.All of this is based on faulty logic, and downright fabrication.Here's a link which explains who is making money off of this theory.
I have been looking into the Mayans and how in the hell these, basically, jungle people developed mathematics and calendars better then the ones we use, have stated the end of the world Dec.21 2012. Apparently they have carvings of a 13th planet or planet X, Nibiru. It is supposed to pass through our solar system on a 3600 yr. orbit. There is lots on u-tube under planet X. Oh, also Nostradamus also predicted the end of the world 2012, Due to the eight crosses of latitude and longitude with our sun being exactly in the center of the galaxy. Do you think Nostradamus even knew about the Mayans? I think not! This has interested me for an answer. But when I started looking things up on them I found a lot more then I think I wanted to see. The whole New World Order thing, involving most of the government, and guilders secret society etc. This is a very scary thing if true. I watch Discovery Earth a lot and know a planet could blow up and destroy us with gamma rays alone, not even including asteroids etc. Oh and the Poles have shifted. There is proof the arctic ice shelf is only about 4000 y/o???? And Russia had just uncovered a tropical mammoth with food froze in its throat. What caused the poles to shift so dramatically?? Just to make all go HUH? Just my .02 on the subject, could be real, won't know until its too late so smoke em if you got em!!!!! Party till 2012!!!!!


Active Member
First, there are 8 planets,since Pluto has been demoted.Where do you get 13 from?Many of Nostradamus's quatrains were wrong, and they're all so damn vague they are VERY open to interpretation.3600 years ago, humans were about, and there were historical records.None mentioned a gigantic planet destroying all life as we know it.And if it had,then there would be no historical records after that time, and no folks on here discussing it.All of this is based on faulty logic, and downright fabrication.Here's a link which explains who is making money off of this theory.

I think the sumerians , one of the first civilizations we have writings from , wrote of aliens.....or so it can be inturpeted. The earth does have a wobble because of its oval orbit which does shift the poles every set amount of years.

10,000BC ish was said to be the last wobble , which was also the end of the last major ice age. The Sahaera desert used to be a lush jungle. They have satelite photos of old river beds , and a cave was discovered there with writings of people swimming in a lake.

Do a search on an archeologist, I believe his name is John West . Its his belief that the Sphinx in egypt is much older than is accepted by our current understanding of history. It has water weathering from rain , which it hasn't rained in the Saharea desert since the last Ice age. The theroys go on and on and it is quite interesting with alot of valid points.

I can't really buy the planet X thing though , as far as a dominat race living on it anyway . Gotta get pretty cold that far away from the sun. There is a good theroy that there is somthing big that orbits our sun that passes through every 23million years disrupting the asteroid belt sending chaos our way . If you look at the record of mass extinctions they happen in a reguliar time pattern like this.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I never said the poles didn't flip,but that's the MAGNETIC poles.Not the actual poles.The crust doesn't just slip all at once like that.I've heard of the theory of the sphinx being older,I watched a show on it.It has nothing to do with planet x, though.As for the mass extinctions, that could be caused by the normal interaction of the solar system with the center of the galaxy as it orbits about it.Or, it could be an internal cycle of the Earth, like a self cleaning oven.Or asteroid impacts, or volcanos.That's all up for speculation.Because the last supposed orbit of Nibiru was 3600 years ago, we can look at the historical records.Something we don't have for the mass extinctions.
I think the sumerians , one of the first civilizations we have writings from , wrote of aliens.....or so it can be inturpeted. The earth does have a wobble because of its oval orbit which does shift the poles every set amount of years.

10,000BC ish was said to be the last wobble , which was also the end of the last major ice age. The Sahaera desert used to be a lush jungle. They have satelite photos of old river beds , and a cave was discovered there with writings of people swimming in a lake.

Do a search on an archeologist, I believe his name is John West . Its his belief that the Sphinx in egypt is much older than is accepted by our current understanding of history. It has water weathering from rain , which it hasn't rained in the Saharea desert since the last Ice age. The theroys go on and on and it is quite interesting with alot of valid points.

I can't really buy the planet X thing though , as far as a dominat race living on it anyway . Gotta get pretty cold that far away from the sun. There is a good theroy that there is somthing big that orbits our sun that passes through every 23million years disrupting the asteroid belt sending chaos our way . If you look at the record of mass extinctions they happen in a reguliar time pattern like this.


Well-Known Member
as for it getting really cold, paybe so when its not next to our sun or the sun it orbits, but the "beings" living there are said to be reptilian, which would allow them to stand swaying temps from cold to hot, never know they could be so advanced that they have a way of keeping themselves alive through technology, boooga booooga, as stoney said, lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry stoney, I meant 10 planets, before Pluto was denounced and including the sun. This was the Mayans who have carvings. It is a theory that our poles have changed and every 3600 years or so the earth has undergone serious catastrophic events, hence civilations just disappearing and cities being found under oceans ect. The reason we cannot see nibiru is because its a brown star, like a piece of charcoal after a while you cant see the red amber in the middle because of the ash surrounding it. Check this out