2nd opinion

go go kid

Well-Known Member
shame, i usualy associate good growth wih females, i live by the saying, males are lazy and females are busey. i would have thaught from the looks of the plant that it was a female, but sadly not the case here

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Mites are lazy and won't infest if they have to do a lot of vertical work. Outside, removing some lower growth does wonders at inspiring mites to move along to a more suitable spot, inside they are forced to infest
have you grown much outside??? thats nothing to worry about, its part of the course, well when i grow outside it is anyway.
Exactly! I choose to grow outside and I know it’s part of the process is to fight off bugs mites mildew but it’s growing in it’s purest form and I always feel it’s better grown with love out side then in a tent!


Well-Known Member
Nothing like bug infested bud with mildew to make you smile..........especially grown outdoors and not in a tent.


Well-Known Member
Exactly! I choose to grow outside and I know it’s part of the process is to fight off bugs mites mildew but it’s growing in it’s purest form and I always feel it’s better grown with love out side then in a tent!
Sesame oil, a little soap, and some potassium silicate does wonders. The sesame oil deters bugs and the potassium silicate helps prevent PM and mold. Don't use any oil after the plants have started flowering.
Sesame oil, a little soap, and some potassium silicate does wonders. The sesame oil deters bugs and the potassium silicate helps prevent PM and mold. Don't use any oil after the plants have started flowering.
Buying now what do I do spray it? On the plant


Well-Known Member
Buying now what do I do spray it? On the plant
Yes you make a foliar spray and spray the plants. Start with 1/2 tsp of oil and 1/2 tsp of potassium silicate per quart of water. Add a few drops of liquid soap as a surfactant. Spray in the evening and never in full sun or the heat in the middle of the day. You can increase the amounts but start low and increase to avoid any potential phytotoxicity.

The sesame oil deters pests and the potassium silicate raises the pH on the surface of the leaves making it inhospitable for fungal spores to colonize

Both sesame oil and potassium silicate are approved for organic farming.

The active ingredient in Organocide 3 in 1, a widely used Bee Safe insecticide/fungicide is sesame oil.