Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

She won't be off quarantine until Thursday. So you have plenty of time to arrange a banner. My doctor, and friend, just died from Covid. She was immunocompromised. So I'd rather not lose you too. A few days can save a lifetime of sorrow.

I was thinking the same thing....I got back from my cruise on Sunday, tested negative, and then tested positive 3 days later Wednesday morning. I had a headache Tuesday, and woke up with a sore throat Wednesday. My buddy that shared the cabin didn't test positive until Saturday. Be careful!! It wasn't fun for me. 3 of the 6 in my group got it!!

I made pasta with meat sauce after my bike ride. I was chilled, and it hit the spot!
I have the Birmingham hip resurfacings...also well known for failure and many of them are recalled. I am in the "Moderate risk group: 3.0−10.0 ng/mL" or I have been ever since they put them in.

The surgeon said "don't worry, once they break-in the levels will drop". The opposite has happened. Every yearly test is a little higher than the last....and I pointed this out to him. I have not seen the surgeon in 2+ years...he slyly dropped me like a hot potato.
That sounds no fun at all :wall:

How's everyone doing today?

55° this morning.....perfect weather to sleep with the windows open. High 70°s today and sunny.
I have the Birmingham hip resurfacings...also well known for failure and many of them are recalled. I am in the "Moderate risk group: 3.0−10.0 ng/mL" or I have been ever since they put them in.

The surgeon said "don't worry, once they break-in the levels will drop". The opposite has happened. Every yearly test is a little higher than the last....and I pointed this out to him. I have not seen the surgeon in 2+ years...he slyly dropped me like a hot potato.
You need to contact an attorney now for a products liability claim. The BHR Resurfacing was recalled 7 years ago. You also definitely need a MARS-MRI.

Get the revision ASAP after you get that MARS-MRI.
I'd go to NYC for this since you are a revision. I'd interview at least 3 orthopedic surgeons who have done BHS revisions and are familiar. Interview them over zoom. Get your Co/Cr trends, MRI, pre and post surgical notes and post-procedure imaging. That's what they'll need.
The surgeon I am currently seeing said a lawsuit isn't worth it, because at most all I would get is the cost to replace them....which might just be one dr, sticking up for another.

The doctor who installed these was so slick. For years he told me "nothing to worry about, and they couldn't possibly be causing my symptoms or pain", and finally about 2 years ago he said if I didn't believe him to get a 2nd opinion. I said I was going to, and then he wouldn't let me schedule a follow up. A few weeks later I asked for my medical records....He didn't include ANY of the metal testing results, but then a few months later added a bunch of notes saying "cobalt and chromium poisoning, accidental or intentional" to my on-line charts.

My pain management doctor told me to sue also!

I did read that I should see someone with knowledge about this particular type of revision surgery, and I know they are trickier. The dr. I am currently seeing is not. I am going to need to switch my health insurance to a PPO instead of the HMO I currently have, so I can go out of network, but as you know, I need 2 hips replaced and a shoulder, and by the time all that is done, probably the other shoulder....so yeah, I want someone better than average.

I am also so certain this is contributing to my hearing and vision issues.....and probably my headaches. Time for me to quit procrastinating!!
I don't see why your surgeon is being evasive. The legal liability should rest with the manufacturer since the defect is intrinsic in their product. But if there was a recall it may have been your surgeon's responsibility to notify patients. You should sue everybody.
The surgeon I am currently seeing said a lawsuit isn't worth it, because at most all I would get is the cost to replace them....which might just be one dr, sticking up for another.

The doctor who installed these was so slick. For years he told me "nothing to worry about, and they couldn't possibly be causing my symptoms or pain", and finally about 2 years ago he said if I didn't believe him to get a 2nd opinion. I said I was going to, and then he wouldn't let me schedule a follow up. A few weeks later I asked for my medical records....He didn't include ANY of the metal testing results, but then a few months later added a bunch of notes saying "cobalt and chromium poisoning, accidental or intentional" to my on-line charts.

My pain management doctor told me to sue also!

I did read that I should see someone with knowledge about this particular type of revision surgery, and I know they are trickier. The dr. I am currently seeing is not. I am going to need to switch my health insurance to a PPO instead of the HMO I currently have, so I can go out of network, but as you know, I need 2 hips replaced and a shoulder, and by the time all that is done, probably the other shoulder....so yeah, I want someone better than average.

I am also so certain this is contributing to my hearing and vision issues.....and probably my headaches. Time for me to quit procrastinating!!
I have been very fortunate to have great surgeon 14 surgery and only one f*ck up but in hindsight getting shocked for five-year did keep my ass moving lol
The surgeon I am currently seeing said a lawsuit isn't worth it, because at most all I would get is the cost to replace them....which might just be one dr, sticking up for another.

The doctor who installed these was so slick. For years he told me "nothing to worry about, and they couldn't possibly be causing my symptoms or pain", and finally about 2 years ago he said if I didn't believe him to get a 2nd opinion. I said I was going to, and then he wouldn't let me schedule a follow up. A few weeks later I asked for my medical records....He didn't include ANY of the metal testing results, but then a few months later added a bunch of notes saying "cobalt and chromium poisoning, accidental or intentional" to my on-line charts.

My pain management doctor told me to sue also!

I did read that I should see someone with knowledge about this particular type of revision surgery, and I know they are trickier. The dr. I am currently seeing is not. I am going to need to switch my health insurance to a PPO instead of the HMO I currently have, so I can go out of network, but as you know, I need 2 hips replaced and a shoulder, and by the time all that is done, probably the other shoulder....so yeah, I want someone better than average.

I am also so certain this is contributing to my hearing and vision issues.....and probably my headaches. Time for me to quit procrastinating!!
You need to speak with a few personal injury attorneys. They are the experts in suing, let's see what they say about you suing. You maybe compensated for the pain, suffering and any future issues created by heavy metals.

I'd get a shoulder specialist for my shoulders. I would not let a hip specialist do a shoulder and I wouldn't let a shoulder specialist revise a poisonous, failing THA.