I am new here and this is my first post. I have never grown before until now (entering 4th week). I do however, have quite a bit of experience growing new plants/trees/shrubs in the deep woods. I can say that you can do very little to stop a determined creature from getting at your plants, but fortunately most of them are not that determined seeing as how they have an entire ecosystem of other things to eat.
For me, I have found that hanging bars of Irish Spring around and tying up dryer sheets to branches/fences has worked quite well. As for slugs and snails, I have had hit or miss luck with neem oil, but that could have just been dumb luck too.
I have found that small plastic fencing to work good as long as it doesn't shade your plants. If you space the netting close together (think 4-6' apart as opposed to 10-15 feet), you will find that most deer won't jump over them because the area they are jumping into is too small to risk getting tangled in the fencing. It generally keeps things like turkeys out of your garden too.
I also save tree tops and branches from when I cut down trees for firewood and I lay them all
around the area I am growing in which helps keep the deer back as they don't want to get tangled in a bunch of tops.
Now after all of that, sure a deer or bear who is determined, will get in there, but I have found it to be rarely the case.
Good luck.