Need help with this


Active Member
I am using Osmocote Flower and Vegetable Plant Food and it's smart release. It says it can feed the plant up to 4 months and is formulated for flavorful vegetables and colorful blooms. It also says it's guaranteed not to burn your plant. Its NPK is 14-14-14. I'm using Miracle Grow Potting Mix with a NPK of 21-7-14. The problem is that all the lower leaf sets are started to turn yellow then eventually brown and they just shrivel up and die. Quite a few of them at the bottom have started doing this and it has started to move a little faster over the weekend I noticed. I only feed her once a day and half a cup of water. What do you think might be the problem? (Note: I had someone water them for me for the past 4 days so I am considering overwatering a little to be an option).



Well-Known Member
soil is too high in nutes to be combined with that fert. time release ferts are a bad idea to begin with. when you say you "feed" it once a day do you mean your giving it those nutes once a day? because if so thats way too often.


Active Member
No sorry i meant i water it once a day and only have a cup of water. And the slow release nutes are just little balls of nutes mixed in with the upper part of the soil in the pot. Is there anything I can do to correct this I really want it to work out it's been flowering for about 2 weeks now.