I watch mr. Grows it, cltv, rob vlogs and Matt canuck. All those should be taken with a grain of salt. They are biased from their personal experience, methods, environment and set up. I enjoy watching and talking about cannabis cultivation and am always up to learn, and explore new methods or ideas, while they all are enjoyable to watch one cant neccesarily base anything they do off what those guys share. Especially pigeons 420 no idea how he has a following.
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Most people are not belittling anyone. Many just get to the point without niceties which is the way many of us communicate at times. Many adults are like that. Some of the stuff I see on here reminds me of crap from High School. A bunch of children that get all butthurt over nothing and then start crying like a baby and just keep crying post after post. It's like being on a plane with an infant in the row in front of you that won't stop crying. In your mind your screaming "Shut Up!" It's always the crybabies that won't admit their wrong that start making insulting comments to others referencing body parts and peoples mothers.

Some people think that what someone on the internet says matters. Some of us don't.

You have to realize that there is a mix of adults and kids on this site. It's easy to spot who is who. Many of the adults can be assholes but usually know what they're talking about. The kids get all whiny over nothing and won't let it go just making things worse and escalating the abuse they might be receiving. I'll just leave it at that.
Yea i can see that. Belittling someone to me is talking shit to someone whom actually needs help or advice and dont know wtf they are doing yet. Lol If im asking for help and advice is given, then im trampled all good with that! Makes it fun and keeps you on your toes. But if I just get a "your a noob fuck off" type attitude thats more of what im talking about.
I watch mr. Grows it, cltv, rob vlogs and Matt canuck. All those should be taken with a grain of salt. They are biased from their personal experience, methods, environment and set up. I enjoy watching and talking about cannabis cultivation and am always up to learn, and explore new methods or ideas, while they all are enjoyable to watch one cant neccesarily base anything they do off what's those guys share. Especially pigeons 420 no idea how he has a following.
Agreed 100%. Exactly why im on this site for advice and help because you can receive multiple different ways to do things from legit people that have experience which gives me room to adjust it to my situation. i just enjoy a watching a video every once in awhile rather than reading 24/7. Lol
He's not wrong. Theres a million ways to skin a cat. Some people on riu seem as tho they have the only and correct way without considering differences in environment, equipment, or methods. Grasscity is more of a community that help one another regardless. Now we'll call bullshit but that's about it dont lie no worries lol. Also there's the few who actually seem to make it a job to go around and provoke others until they cross guidelines then snitch, which should be noticed by moderators. harassment even if its within community guidelines is still harassment. We should all want the same thing. The progression of cannabis through legality and cultivation, if we can help one another as a community everyone wins and the earth gets a little bit greener.
He's not wrong. Theres a million ways to skin a cat. Some people on riu seem as tho they have the only and correct way without considering differences in environment, equipment, or methods. Grasscity is more of a community that help one another regardless. Now we'll call bullshit but that's about it dont lie no worries lol. Also there's the few who actually seem to make it a job to go around and provoke others until they cross guidelines then snitch, which should be noticed by moderators. harassment even if its within community guidelines is still harassment. We should all want the same thing. The progression of cannabis through legality and cultivation, if we can help one another as a community everyone wins and the earth gets a little bit greener.
This guy gets it 100%. There is a time to help and guide someone and then comes the jokes and play. As long as guiding someone comes first then joking should come into play keeps it interesting! My whole point was that a community like this shoulf be family oriented. In time of need we give assistance. Then tear into them!