best exhaust options?


Well-Known Member
just ordered my first SF4000s for my 4x8s (running 2 per) also considering adding HPS at the top in between the lights. will this work?

anyways. what am i looking at exhaust wise? would ONE 6” keep up? thanks fellas.
AC infinity T8, will barely need to run it above speed 5 but still have some more kick for those hot or humid days. It should come with a 10 Speed digital contoller that also shows temp humidity and vpd on the phone app as well. You really cant go wrong except for the price of them. I have a t8 for exhaust and an s8 for intake and get plenty of air flow on speed 4 in a 5x5 and it's quiet as a mouse. A t6 will prob do the job but you'll have to run a higher speed and despite their claims they're pretty noisy, above 50% they sound like a jet turbine about to take off.
AC infinity T8, will barely need to run it above speed 5 but still have some more kick for those hot or humid days. It should come with a 10 Speed digital contoller that also shows temp humidity and vpd on the phone app as well. You really cant go wrong except for the price of them. I have a t8 for exhaust and an s8 for intake and get plenty of air flow on speed 4 in a 5x5 and it's quiet as a mouse. A t6 will prob do the job but you'll have to run a higher speed and despite their claims they're pretty noisy, above 50% they sound like a jet turbine about to take off.
I have two T8's they really are loud as fuck
Loud…. As…. Fuck….
Hps will be nice in there I do that too cos I like the extra red and green and they warm the leaf nicely

a t8 with the new WiFi controller is a baller move tho!
Loud…. As…. Fuck….
Hps will be nice in there I do that too cos I like the extra red and green and they warm the leaf nicely

a t8 with the new WiFi controller is a baller move tho!
agreed hahaha i’m not tryna spend that much but then i’m like fuck i could if i be patient lol
ANY fan moving a significant amount of air is going to be loud, the predominant noise is air turbulence, not the motor.

The advantage of the AC Infinity fans is that the EC motors are very quiet
This is particularly noticeable at low speeds where traditional motors hum louder as the speed is reduced; the EC motor is silent
The noise reduction canister they have does help also
I ran a light-mover in a similar size space. While it only really moved a couple of feet, I feel it did much considering the massive number of plants that thrived in that space. One downside.....You bend over to feed or move a plant and then stand up and the light that wasn't there a minute ago is whacking you in the head now. I've left part of my skull on that thing.

I still run 2 600w HPS's and vent with one 400 CFM fan turned down to about 1/2 way. Both hoods are cool to the touch. I hope you're drawing that air through a carbon filter as things will get stinky as fuck when they start budding.
edit: is installing the HPS on a light mover in the 4x8s possible? above the SF4ks
ive never used the sf4000 but I would imagine it depends on the size of the hps reflector and it’s ability to move between the hangers of the sf. The light mover is a good shout tho and deffo better than how my last one turned out, I need higher ceilings so I can let the light spread out more


ive never used the sf4000 but I would imagine it depends on the size of the hps reflector and it’s ability to move between the hangers of the sf. The light mover is a good shout tho and deffo better than how my last one turned out, I need higher ceilings so I can let the light spread out more.

You gonna add another net layer on that? perfect time for it. will prevent them from flopping over late flower
just ordered my first SF4000s for my 4x8s (running 2 per) also considering adding HPS at the top in between the lights. will this work?

anyways. what am i looking at exhaust wise? would ONE 6” keep up? thanks fellas.
It entirely depends on your climate, the higher your ambient air temp the more air exchange is needed to keep it at x degrees .

We growers here at RIU come from all over the world, so what works for me in Europe won't work for someone in Texas .
ANY fan moving a significant amount of air is going to be loud, the predominant noise is air turbulence, not the motor.

The advantage of the AC Infinity fans is that the EC motors are very quiet
This is particularly noticeable at low speeds where traditional motors hum louder as the speed is reduced; the EC motor is silent
If they last. Mine crapped out in under 6mths. Going to tear it apart in the morning and put a multimeter on it. If they're made properly there should be a capacitor. Usually why a air con fan dies. Though looking at it it really just looks like a cheap Chinese fan really.