It's good to have the hygrometers even if you use grove bags-you can put one in the bag and see it through the window. You don't need to use the bags, but for myself, I actually just ordered 10 more 1/4 and 1/2 lb bags to last my next several grow cycles. Also, whether or not you need to "burp" them depends on how moist the buds are when they go in-you can't put overly moist buds in and expect the bags to dry them for you. I like to put them in at 55% (58% would be fine too) because I think the lower RH preserves the terpenes better. Right now is my least favorite time of the year to dry buds because the temps are hot and my indoor RH can get low real fast-so just try your best to dry at 70 deg or lower and 55% RH-the further away from those #s you get, the more your final product will suffer-see if you can stretch out your dry to 10 days (that's about as good as I hope for during the summer). Some people don't even grow during the summer because the drying is such a PITA. My buds from my last grow cycle have been in grove bags for the last couple of months and they are by far the terpiest and freshest buds I've grown in a long time, probably ever. You can always try a jar of buds alongside your bags and see how they compare after curing. This is one new product I actually believe in because the results are so good. Send me a dm if you need any help with the bags!