If you're trying to make fpj you need a bunch of sugar and and inoculate.so i took multiple plants leaves,weeds, branches etc and tossed them in a bottle and then poured some watter over them, should i let the bottle ferment in the sun or in the shadow for the best quallity?
If you're trying to make fpj you need a bunch of sugar and and inoculate.
my jlf smells really strong fermented like alcoohol i don t wanna say like a known drink but it has a strong fermented pungent/stingy smell and when u open it has some kind of fumes/steam is it allright?I'm going to be using nothing but cannabis JLF on my outdoor plants this year.
my jlf smells really strong fermented like alcoohol i don t wanna say like a known drink but it has a strong fermented pungent/stingy smell and when u open it has some kind of fumes/steam is it allright?
myabe because i put some mint in it?let me seeWhat does it taste like?
it has an easy taste of fruity plant leaf it is as if the taste of the leaveshas been trasnformed in something more complex/sweet a little hint of green tea the taste is light sweetWhat does it taste like?
it has an easy taste of fruity plant leaf it is as if the taste of the leaveshas been trasnformed in something more complex/sweet a little hint of green tea the taste is light sweet