

Well-Known Member
If they want a job in the army for life, Vlad is hiring, though their lives might be short!

Trains set on fire in India military hiring protests - BBC News
91,584 views Jun 18, 2022 Several states across India have seen huge protests against a government plan to hire soldiers on fixed rather than permanent contracts. Under the scheme - successful candidates will join the armed services for four years, after which only a quarter of them will be retained Protesters say the government's plan will reduce their chances of getting permanent military jobs, which guarantee fixed salaries and pensions.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
If they want a job in the army for life, Vlad is hiring, though their lives might be short!

Trains set on fire in India military hiring protests - BBC News
91,584 views Jun 18, 2022 Several states across India have seen huge protests against a government plan to hire soldiers on fixed rather than permanent contracts. Under the scheme - successful candidates will join the armed services for four years, after which only a quarter of them will be retained Protesters say the government's plan will reduce their chances of getting permanent military jobs, which guarantee fixed salaries and pensions.
guess everything is relative...a lot of guys would be protesting FOR what the Indians are protesting against... :shock:


Well-Known Member
guess everything is relative...a lot of guys would be protesting FOR what the Indians are protesting against... :shock:
Hire them for life and then stage a mass human wave attack on Pakistan, they will get their jobs for life, problem solved! Or sell their asses to Vlad for disposal and make a profit, they would be about as motivated as his troops...


Well-Known Member
guess everything is relative...a lot of guys would be protesting FOR what the Indians are protesting against... :shock:
Every few years India and Pakistan lob a few shells at each other over Kashmir, but other than that it is a pretty safe job. India has a huge people problem. Too many of them, and lots of them expecting government jobs.

It's getting to be kind of like the old joke about life in the USSR. "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us."


Well-Known Member

Soldier Alexei Martynov with his girlfriend prior to departure: The 19-year-old is from Buryatia. He fell near Kyiv in March.

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Soldier Alexei Martynov with his girlfriend prior to departure: The 19-year-old is from Buryatia. He fell near Kyiv in March. Foto: Baikal-Journal
High CasualtiesRussia Pulls Out All the Stops to Find Fresh Troops
The Russian army is suffering high casualties in the war against Ukraine and Vladimir Putin badly needs fresh troops. He wants to avoid a general mobilization, so the military is relying on other methods.


Well-Known Member
Every few years India and Pakistan lob a few shells at each other over Kashmir, but other than that it is a pretty safe job. India has a huge people problem. Too many of them, and lots of them expecting government jobs.

It's getting to be kind of like the old joke about life in the USSR. "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us."
Same for Egypt the army runs industries and farms, maybe they should set them to work on a new pyramid or two, to spice up the tourist trade etc.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
first definition, spot on, a descent into hell where the strongest rule and the weak do what they're told or pay the consequences.
second definition, in your fucking fantasies...there is no utopian society to be had on this planet till we all evolve a lot more than we have so far, especially with no supervision.
I agree. I wouldn't want to live in a Anarchy as i stated earlier. Definition is a definition though. Just like Communism the reality and the definition is not as close in reality

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Interesting that when she goes to the shopping centre that some brands that left Russia at the start of sanctions are returning in one form or another. We all know that Maccas is back under a different structure and it appears others are following suite.

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Well-Known Member
I'm wondering about those Russian ammo dumps, Caesar, or MLRS? Slows down the Russian rate of artillery fire, or stops it and will force those ammo dumps further back from the guns as the Russians adapt. Something new the Ukrainians have can reach out and touch those Russian ammo dumps in their rear now and if they can reach the ammo dumps, they can reach the guns they are feeding further towards the front.

7 Russian ammunition depots destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in three days. 116th day of war
4,621 views Jun 19, 2022 Ukraine faces a protracted war with Russia, as Vladimir Putin has moved on to a military campaign of attrition - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. International experts believe that Russian troops have made little progress on the outskirts of Severodonetsk. But near Kherson, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a powerful attack on the concentration of enemy forces. More updates on the 116th day of the Russian war against Ukraine are in our following report.
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Well-Known Member
NATO chief says Ukraine war could last for years
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with a German newspaper published Sunday that the war in Ukraine could last for years.

In the interview with Bild am Sonntag, Stoltenberg cautioned that “nobody knows” exactly how long the war will continue, reiterating that the country needs support for as long as Russia’s invasion persists.

“We must prepare for the fact that it could take years,” Stoltenberg told the newspaper. “We must not let up in supporting Ukraine. Even if the costs are high, not only for military support, but also because of rising energy and food prices. But that is no comparison to the price that the Ukrainians have to pay every day with many lives.”



Well-Known Member
NATO chief says Ukraine war could last for years
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with a German newspaper published Sunday that the war in Ukraine could last for years.

In the interview with Bild am Sonntag, Stoltenberg cautioned that “nobody knows” exactly how long the war will continue, reiterating that the country needs support for as long as Russia’s invasion persists.

“We must prepare for the fact that it could take years,” Stoltenberg told the newspaper. “We must not let up in supporting Ukraine. Even if the costs are high, not only for military support, but also because of rising energy and food prices. But that is no comparison to the price that the Ukrainians have to pay every day with many lives.”

They'd better get a move on helping out Ukraine, cause it's gonna be a cold winter for them and a hungry one for lot's of others. Nobody seized Russian money or assets yet and it's getting past time those frozen assets were seized, they are useless as leverage now. Slowly strangling them seems to be the course of action chosen, no sudden moves to spook or provoke them. Both sides think they can win and will throw everything in the fight in the east, as long as the Russians are attacking, reports are saying they are taking 3 times the losses of the Ukrainians and is in line with standard military doctrine. Troops are the strategic weak link for the Russians and this is still chewing them up. The Russians are taking troops from other areas in Ukraine to reinforce the east, leaving them vulnerable in those places.
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UK military intelligence: Multiple factors driving low morale among Russian forces in Ukraine
Both Ukrainian and Russian troops are suffering from low morale as the war inches closer to its fourth month and heavy fighting continues in the eastern region of the country, with morale particularly fraught among some Russian soldiers who are refusing orders from commanding officers and engaging in armed standoffs with them.

The latest military intelligence update from the United Kingdom (U.K.) estimates that both Russian and Ukrainian combat units are struggling with “variable morale.”

Ukraine is seeing troops desert in the thick of war, but morale among Russian soldiers is “especially troubled.” There have been cases of entire Russian units rebelling against orders from their superiors, according to the U.K. defense ministry.
