Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

I played for decades
You cheat in my circles you got booted and possibly knocked out
Nice straw man though
If they "got" booted then they got caught cheating at Golf...
Cheating is rife in golf and you know it. From kicking a ball thats in the rough to a slightly better spot to not being able to find your ball so dropping another one without going back to the tee nor taking the penalty, moving things that should not be moved. Deliberately not playing to your handicap to make the chosen stroke competitions easier( a Burglar), "forgetting" a stroke. Touching the sand in a bunker. Marking your ball on the green in an ever so slightly but better spot. Lying when reading nearest the pin. But nice tough guy talk i hope it made you feel better about yourself.

I'm still not sure why you brought the conversation around to trump from Biden riding a bike...Very strange.
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If they "got" booted then they got caught cheating at Golf...
Cheating is rife in golf and you know it. From kicking a ball thats in the rough to a slightly better spot to not being able to find your ball so dropping another one without going back to the tee nor taking the penalty, moving things that should not be moved. Deliberately not playing to your handicap to make the chosen stroke competitions easier( a Burglar), "forgetting" a stroke. Touching the sand in a bunker. Marking your ball on the green in an ever so slightly but better spot. Lying when reading nearest the pin. But nice tough guy talk i hope it made you feel better about yourself.

I'm still not sure why you brought the conversation around to trump from Biden riding a bike...Very strange.
No clue why you believe cheating is common place but I’m guessing it’s a capitalist thang
The one that cheats lies and steals to win at all cost which leads you to believe everyone does
Fools walk in
Sounds very Capitalist like doesn't it? Very American. Very Trump.
Cheating being common in sport does not make it an "everybody" does. It makes it human nature. Its why there are rules (cannot break rules if there are none right..), guidelines, officials, scrutineering, blood tests, video referees, etc etc.

So again, what cult am i in?
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