The Junk Drawer

This has a flight time of around 20 minutes I believe with standard lithium ion batteries. In 5 years time it could use new Lithium Sulphur batteries that might have up to six times the endurance, say up to 2 hours and recharge in 10 or 15 minutes from a car charger, or even a electric car or half ton. It would in effect be like a flying motorcycle, this is just the first generation, a model T of what might come.

With liberal democracy natives and others have the freedom to rediscover and reassert their cultures. That's why Russia can't really be a liberal democracy, it is an empire of conquest, mostly in the 19th century. It also has a very dark recent history of ethnic repression and genocide, along with the accompanying resentment. Only a loose voluntary federation like the EU could work, but Russia's past makes that impossible. Only a strong central anti democratic authoritarian government can hold the place together and they will need to do increasingly extreme things to accomplish it. 80% of the population lives in European Russia and ethnic Russians have been leaving the east and Siberia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then there are many other states and nationalities in the south.
Now here is something interesting, if the full scale rig works out, it could have a big impact fast, if governments got behind the idea. Converting existing fossil fueled thermoelectric power plants to geothermal would be something most governments would jump at. If this works as they hope and the inevitable technical hurtles overcome, it could vastly expand the use of geothermal power pretty quickly. I'm sure oil companies considering their geological and drilling expertise, will be all over it. If you invest in wind and solar, this is something to keep an eye on, these are serious people who know what they are doing and it's not gonna be hard for them to attract money, or to get off to a flying start, once or if, they work the bugs out with their pilot well in 2024. Investments in fusion power and research would be affected by this too, provided it works out and is widely applicable.

Why This Fusion Tech May Be a Geothermal Energy Breakthrough
Wouldn’t it be great if western society adopted just a little of First Nations people’s beliefs?

It would definitely be a better place.
With liberal democracy natives and others have the freedom to rediscover and reassert their cultures. That's why Russia can't really be a liberal democracy, it is an empire of conquest, mostly in the 19th century. It also has a very dark recent history of ethnic repression and genocide, along with the accompanying resentment. Only a loose voluntary federation like the EU could work, but Russia's past makes that impossible. Only a strong central anti democratic authoritarian government can hold the place together and they will need to do increasingly extreme things to accomplish it. 80% of the population lives in European Russia and ethnic Russians have been leaving the east and Siberia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then there are many other states and nationalities in the south.
Nice, so you support the Hawaiians getting their land back after it was stolen- That's awesome!
Their cause starts with people knowing the history and people like us sharing on social media etc. Grass roots stuff.
This has a flight time of around 20 minutes I believe with standard lithium ion batteries. In 5 years time it could use new Lithium Sulphur batteries that might have up to six times the endurance, say up to 2 hours and recharge in 10 or 15 minutes from a car charger, or even a electric car or half ton. It would in effect be like a flying motorcycle, this is just the first generation, a model T of what might come.

That is very, very cool
I especially like the rear view mirrors :)
but then it and more is still there.
Should we be that concerned about lunar pollution for instance? How will it affect the environment, the biology? How about the mess we will make of those asteroids? It really is a stupid concern considering the cost of getting shit to Mars, what everybody has sent so far including the junk could fit inside a shipping container. If you ship plastic bags of food to the moon the plastic will be recycled with regolith to make concrete and other structures that will probably be printed, it will be the hot cement for the finely crushed lunar soil, nothing will be wasted or thrown away.

At this point in time other than for science, Mars is a waste of time for human colonization IMHO. The moon is much closer and things can raw materials can be launched off it's surface using electrically powered linear accelerators. It would be like a machine gun aimed at a precise location in lunar orbit, with a train of materials thousands of kilometers long. The moon is just 3 days away and has water and 24 hour sunlight 365 at the poles with a 360 rotating solar array.
That is very, very cool
I especially like the rear view mirrors :)
Look at it like a model T, in a few years battery technology will improve dramatically and costs will plummet with their use in EV cars. These will become affordable and accessible, EV cars will sell, because the will be cheaper to build, buy, last longer with few moving parts and be much cheaper to operate. If you have a second car for commuting from the burbs or bedroom communities to the city for work an EV will make a lot of sense, especially with gas prices. Ranges of 1000 miles and recharge times of 10 or 15 minutes will be common in a few years. In five years not many will be making ICE cars anyway and gas stations will start to disappear, most people will top up the battery at home for the daily commute.

A good way to get into shape and something you can drive most of the year cheap, an electric bicycle is a good option too. Removable batteries seem best and you'd be surprised at what 1000 watts can do with a bike. I'm thinking about one myself.
Wouldn’t it be great if western society adopted just a little of First Nations people’s beliefs?

It would definitely be a better place.

It's an old eastern idea too and you can train the mind to be happy, as well as enlightened, or at least wise. Materialism is not a new thing, but the idea that things make you happy is more firmly entrenched by media and advertising.

Our relationship with ourselves and others brings happiness, things just bring pleasure and that does not last. Happiness is to be found, along with peace, within, do not seek it in things, but in the love of others and your connection to them, a heart felt connection.

Now here is something interesting, if the full scale rig works out, it could have a big impact fast, if governments got behind the idea. Converting existing fossil fueled thermoelectric power plants to geothermal would be something most governments would jump at. If this works as they hope and the inevitable technical hurtles overcome, it could vastly expand the use of geothermal power pretty quickly. I'm sure oil companies considering their geological and drilling expertise, will be all over it. If you invest in wind and solar, this is something to keep an eye on, these are serious people who know what they are doing and it's not gonna be hard for them to attract money, or to get off to a flying start, once or if, they work the bugs out with their pilot well in 2024. Investments in fusion power and research would be affected by this too, provided it works out and is widely applicable.

Why This Fusion Tech May Be a Geothermal Energy Breakthrough
Around 20 years ago I worked on/wired one of the 1st buildings, an Audobon Society wildlife center in Greenwich, CT, that relied on a geo-thermal system for it's heating & cooling system.

It was a large building with many species of birds in large enclosures in the building, surrounded by bird sanctuaries

Very cool


2 well holes were drilled to a depth of over 300' & circulated the water which had a mean average temp of around 65 degrees F, which supplemented the existing HVAC system, by cooling the coils instead of relying solely on Freon & it boosted the water temp of the water in it's heating system also & it worked.

It was a large building with many species of birds in large enclosures in the building, & one of the things I did there was install the lightening protection system for the building.
Notice all the rods on the building?
I did that :)

Funny story :)

Do you see the cupola on the right of the large glass one?

It was sealed off eventually after I wired it, & me knowing that, I decided into make it into a time capsule in a way.

Anyway using a Sharpie & having more than one Heineken (yea, we drank on the job back then/OSHA fucked it all up :) )
I wrote on the wall my opinion of GW Bush which wasn't nice even before Iraq, that was very derogatory/very profane to say the least, & signed & dated it & left the empties & one unopened bottle there, figuring that in a hundred or so years when someone gains access to it again, they'll smile & have a beer.

Cool, huh?

Nice, so you support the Hawaiians getting their land back after it was stolen- That's awesome!
Their cause starts with people knowing the history and people like us sharing on social media etc. Grass roots stuff.
Well they do have the problem of their non native neighbors if they want to assert political control, same as in Russia. Cultural matters are another thing though, language education and such, even self government. In Canada native people are achieving self government with quasi provincial statues one day, some northern territories are native run and more will be. On the east coast of Canada where I live Acadian French have been reasserting their culture for years now and French education schools are common even here in Nova Scotia. Canada is a bilingual country and America will be one day too with Spanish as an official language and in some states Spanish will be the dominate language.
I was referring to views on the role of family and tolerance but that works too, I guess.

Before colonizers arrived, some nations had Clan Mothers who advised chiefs. Woman had a lot of say. They were revered as life givers, carrying babies and creating life.

My friend is from Oneida Nation of the Thames. Oneida Nation is from New York State and they purchased land west if London in 1840. So they are considered a settlement and not a reservation. There are about 2 200 local residents and about 6 100 members all over the place. Oneida settlement has only 30 fluent speakers of their original language left.
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