Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
yeah, but it's not exactly like that...vanguard, blackrock, and state street are investment firms, they don't really tell those they're working for who else they're working for, and their advice from client to client is supposed to be personalized and confidential. not saying that is exactly how it happens, but those three companies don't actually own any businesses, some of their clients hold major interests in businesses, and i'm sure there is quite a bit of overlap, and im also sure a fair percentage of their customers are friends who all know exactly what the other is going to do...but by the same token, some of their customers are reclusive people who do not associate with anyone else, and do not want their business spread about...
so saying those three companies own anything is inaccurate...their clients own EVERYTHING...small distinction, but accurate


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5152559

Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet - Netflixhttps://www.netflix.com › title

Episode 2 really does a great job of showing how Assange (who also helped smuggle the data files Snowden stole from the NSA to Putin so that they could use in their attack on our democracy) flat out lied about the Seth Rich conspiracy.
Julian is coming to America soon and will spill his guts for a deal and a plane ticket back to Oz. He's already been doing hard time for years, even at the embassy, from looking at the shape he was in when the dragged him out of the place! If he won't talk about EVERTHING he knows, including about Roger Stone, he will leave prison in a body bag. Are Stone and Putin worth it? I wonder how Snowden is feeling these days? Does he support the "special operation in Ukraine"? How about the atrocities?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
View attachment 5152559

Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet - Netflixhttps://www.netflix.com › title

Episode 2 really does a great job of showing how Assange (who also helped smuggle the data files Snowden stole from the NSA to Putin so that they could use in their attack on our democracy) flat out lied about the Seth Rich conspiracy.
i've never trusted assange, i've always thought he was a shady little fucker who stepped in way deeper shit than he meant to....
if he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in a cell at gitmo, he better have some very dirty dirt about roger stone, and i'm not even sure that will be enough to get him out of anything, stone is already doing a pretty good job of fucking himself with no help from assange at all


Well-Known Member
i've never trusted assange, i've always thought he was a shady little fucker who stepped in way deeper shit than he meant to....
if he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in a cell at gitmo, he better have some very dirty dirt about roger stone, and i'm not even sure that will be enough to get him out of anything, stone is already doing a pretty good job of fucking himself with no help from assange at all
Leverage on Roger means he might squeal for a deal on Trump and Russia and he was the connection between Trump and the Proud boys/ Oath keepers and perhaps others. Proving shit a thousand different ways is important and another nail in the coffin of Trump and MAGA. Assange did his time, or most of it and the new government in Oz will want it, the old one would let him rot in Hell, so he has a chance and might be smart enough to take it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Leverage on Roger means he might squeal for a deal on Trump and Russia and he was the connection between Trump and the Proud boys/ Oath keepers and perhaps others. Proving shit a thousand different ways is important and another nail in the coffin of Trump and MAGA. Assange did his time, or most of it and the new government in Oz will want it, the old one would let him rot in Hell, so he has a chance and might be smart enough to take it.
IF...IF he has actual good dirt on stone...no one but him knows for sure what he knows...

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Just in case those who love this guy didn't listen.
Its not about 1 man. It never was. Its your country and perhaps the worlds future at stake. Its actually about freedom which a long time ago America actually cared about. Don't get caught up in Trump. Sad how America still hasnt arrested Trump but that's a different deal a very much smaller, like tiny small different deal compared to Freedom..
Like the flawed guy or not he = The Freedom to inform the Citizens Vs The Man.( full gov control of the media). How conservative must you be to want Gov controlled media? Might as well just side with Russia now and get it over with.

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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
IF...IF he has actual good dirt on stone...no one but him knows for sure what he knows...
He only knows what whistleblowers send to wiki and most he wouldn't know anyway. He just publishes it. He has no way of reading the hundreds of thousands of files people send him. He just publishes it. Up to reporters to dig out juicy stuff. Have you read all the Clinton emails, all the Iraq info, syrian? Its just not possible.
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Well-Known Member
Assange is a lying piece of shit propagandist, not a journalist.

Here he is lying to try to hide that his actual source attacking the 2016 elections here in America was the Russian military to help Putin's puppet Trump:

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The special counsel’s report confirmed this week that Seth Rich, a young Democratic National Committee employee whose unsolved killing became grist for a right-wing conspiracy theory, was not the source of thousands of internal D.N.C. emails that WikiLeaks released during the 2016 presidential race, officially debunking a notion that had persisted without support for years.

Tucked amid hundreds of pages of the report’s main findings, the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, took aim at WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, for falsely implying that Mr. Rich was somehow involved in the dissemination of the emails, an act that aided President Trump’s campaign.

“WikiLeaks and Assange made several public statements apparently designed to obscure the source of the materials that WikiLeaks was releasing,” according to the report, which showed that WikiLeaks corresponded with the true source of the leaked emails — Russian hackers — after Mr. Rich’s death.

The confirmation comes after years of anguish for Mr. Rich’s family, who fought attempts to politicize and spread misinformation about his killing, which is believed to have happened during a bungled robbery attempt.

The theory linking Mr. Rich to the email leak took root in conservative circles and was cited by prominent conservatives like Newt Gingrich and right-wing commentators like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Alex Jones of Infowars. WikiLeaks offered a $20,000 reward for information about Mr. Rich’s killing, fueling speculation that he was the source. Fox News also published an article, which the network later retracted, suggesting that Mr. Rich was killed in retaliation for having leaked the emails.

In a statement, Mr. Rich’s brother, Aaron Rich, responded to the special counsel’s report, saying it provided “hard facts that demonstrate this conspiracy is false.”

“I hope that the people who pushed, fueled, spread, ran headlines, articles, interviews, talk and opinion shows, or in any way used my family’s tragedy to advance their political agendas — despite our pleas that what they were saying was not based on any facts — will take responsibility for the unimaginable pain they have caused us,” he said.

Mr. Rich was 27 when he died after being shot on the streets of Washington on July 10, 2016.

On July 14, WikiLeaks received an encrypted file from Russian hackers, according to the report. The organization published thousands of internal D.N.C. emails later that month, just days ahead of the Democratic convention.

“That chronology is damning,” Mike Gottlieb, a lawyer for Aaron Rich, said, pointing out that Mr. Rich had already been killed when the file was sent.

In statements beginning that summer, Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks “implied falsely” that Mr. Rich had been the source of the emails, the special counsel’s report said.

In addition to the $20,000 reward, Mr. Assange said in an interview that he was interested in Mr. Rich’s death because “we’re very interested in anything that might be a threat to alleged WikiLeaks sources,” according to the report.

Even after intelligence officials announced that Russia was behind the email hacking, Mr. Assange continued to deny Russian involvement and told a congressman that the D.N.C. hack was an “inside job,” according to the report.

“Assange did untold damage to a grieving family in order to try and hide his work with Russian intelligence,” Brad Bauman, a former spokesman for Mr. Rich’s family, said in a statement after the release of the report.

“He is a monster, not a journalist,” he added.

Mr. Assange, whose release of secret government documents has spurred debate about press freedom issues, spent seven years holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in Britain before he was arrested this month on a charge of conspiring to hack into a Pentagon computer network in 2010. The charge is not related to WikiLeaks’ role in Russia’s operations to sabotage the election.

Though Mr. Rich’s killing remains unsolved, the special counsel’s findings could begin to ease the pain for his family, who have described the anguish of having to watch his life and death be treated like a “political football.”

His parents, Joel and Mary Rich, sued Fox News last year, claiming that the network’s coverage helped fuel damaging rumors about their son. A judge, while expressing sympathy for the family, dismissed the case because the parents had not been personally defamed by the story, despite the fact that it included “false statements or misrepresentations.” The judge noted that Mr. Rich could not be defamed by the story under New York law because he was dead.

Aaron Rich is also suing for defamation over theories that falsely implicate him, purporting that he helped steal the data and cover up his brother’s killing. He accepted an apology and retraction from The Washington Times last year as part of a settlement.

Mr. Gottlieb, his lawyer, said that while it was gratifying for his client to see the Mueller report lay to rest any lingering conspiracy theories,
Mr. Rich was still grappling with the loss of his brother, who was the best man at his wedding.

“The picture of Seth and Aaron at Aaron’s wedding is one a bunch of conspiracy theorists have used as memes,” he said.

“Aaron has been called a traitor,” Mr. Gottlieb added. “He is being called every imaginable awful name you can think of and he’s never had the opportunity to grieve.”

In his statement, Aaron Rich vowed to continue fighting.

“We will continue to pursue justice for Seth’s murderers,” he said, “as well as those who used his murder to advance their personal or political agendas.”

If foreign trolls that shit talk America really wanted to push a narrative that was actually real, they would bring up Reality Winner who was jailed for warning America that we were under attack by the Russian military. But I guess that is not the kind of information they want spread.

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