First time grower in RDWC


Well-Known Member
i use 1mLper gal of dyna gro foliage pro for starting seeds and seedlings. not sure what that comes out to in EC

either way would work to feed them
I was going to move them into the buckets tomorrow. I used the .15ml Wednesday night. Yellowing cont. so I made up a new batch at .25ml for 3L of water. That’s at 25% of recommended strength. I have 40 gal mixed up now with 17.5ml of each bottle (micro, bloom, and gro). That brings it to 35% of recommended strength. Should I add more or see how it does first. ED74A72B-0AB1-4E0A-B8BC-1D024D9740BC.jpeg1525145A-5EA4-48B0-B75F-D15AF4AB40C7.jpegE410C665-DC37-4FA3-9854-EDE31A942949.jpeg

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Don't move them yet. Show us the roots. They look hungry. I would up feed strength again. If you haven't been overwatering you should see some healthy roots

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
No cal mag and up your feed. Let your roots really colonize the plug. Like 3 or 4 days on the better looking ones and a week on the stragglers at least
The first day in the tent I had 18/6 light. In the morning I thought they grew up tall so I went to 24/0 since then. They only seen dark once for 6 hrs