Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Texas Paul REACTS to OAN Anchor’s TOTAL MELTDOWN over Pride Flag
183,291 views Jun 27, 2022 On Saturday, OAN contributor Alison Steinberg posted a video of herself throwing a humiliating tantrum after seeing the pride flag in Huntington Beach, California. Texas Paul reacts!

‘Breathtakingly Arrogant’: Alito Shredded For Claiming Most GOP Justices ‘Wrong’ Except Him
30,910 views Jun 27, 2022 Nearly fifty years after Roe v. Wade was decided, the right to an abortion has been stripped away by the Supreme Court, marking the first time the Court has rescinded a right. Donald Trump’s appointees to the Court are under fire for tainting the legacy of the Court, as many believe they reversed the decision because they personally oppose abortion. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber is joined by The Nation’s Joan Walsh and Linda Greenhouse, who covered the Supreme Court for The New York Times, to discuss the legitimacy of the Court. Greenhouse writing in a New York Times piece responding to the ruling that Alito’s statement asserting that the Justices who previously backed “Roe” were wrong is “breathtakingly arrogant.”
This, coupled with the fact most GOP voters are old and old folks do die, will make it a whole lot harder for them to keep up their minority rule the next 10-15 years..
Covid took many, most of those million people were seniors and most of them republicans. The SCOTUS ruling might get young women off their asses and bitching on social media to taking action with a clipboard instead of a protest sign. Hopefully they will drag their boy fiends with them, the women (and men) of America have over 4 months to get financing, organize a massive volunteer ground game and hit the bricks knocking on doors in all 50. Carrying signs in the streets is for losers, carrying clipboards in the neighborhoods is for winners.
Here you go luke since you guys know how everything works from Australia.I agree an egg isnt a person but this is. View attachment 5155727
It's about to be a person, yes. Its about to be born and become a baby delivered by a mum. Hopefully safely in a hospital and covered by universal healthcare. Be lovely if the new mum had a gov pension for awhile as she deals with it all.
When patients typically get abortions
About 93% of reported abortions
in 2019 were performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy, 6% were conducted between 14 and 20 weeks and 1% were performed at or after 21 weeks, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • People who tend to have abortions later in a pregnancy do so because of "medical concerns such as fetal anomalies or maternal life endangerment, as well as barriers to care that cause delays in obtaining an abortion," per the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Does that ease your concerns?
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Nobody’s against abortion for those circumstances. Rape, incest, high risk to mom, problems with baby etc. or even first trimester abortions. Im sure not but I believe those should be the only reasons for a late term abortion. Its 2022, we have male birth control, several female birth control options and the plan B pill which is a rather funny name as if plan A was to get pregnant. Birth control should be free I absolutely agree .
that's because they haven't sufficiently blamed Biden for Afghanistan and this is a women's issue soooooooooo.

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my suggestion is abortion pill if you had unprotected sex. this is not the old days with catholic approved rhythm method that doesn't work. no one need be pregnant these days unless you want to be. the pill is at the drugstore- you walk in and buy it the day after you've had sex. the female takes the pill. WARNING: men don't take the pill.

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see? with women? easy peasy.