Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

No one else finds it strange that Biden's son was in a far away and not much visited or talked about country and that country is now in a war with Russia with huge American support?

No one else finds it strange that Biden's son was in a far away and not much visited or talked about country and that country is now in a war with Russia with huge American support?

This isn't meant to be snarky, but you do realize yesterday you argued with the only other people that make the pro-russia arguments you make right. Its the reason people jump your shit. Like 99% of the people asking about hunters laptop or that imply maybe Russia isn't a shitball...yeah they are the people that are pumped dudes get to control some uterus'.

Again, not meaning that in a rude manner or anything, just tossing it out there as food for thought or whatever.
No one else finds it strange that Biden's son was in a far away and not much visited or talked about country and that country is now in a war with Russia with huge American support?

Nah not strange at all when you consider Putin was trying to attack our democracy and trying to manufacture as much 'dirt' as he could to use to attack whichever Republican puppet it was that ended up running in 2016.
No one else finds it strange that Biden's son was in a far away and not much visited or talked about country and that country is now in a war with Russia with huge American support?
the far away country that is right next to every other country in Europe? the largest country in Europe besides russia? the country people have been talking about since the russians invaded them and stole part of their country in 2014? that far away and mysterious land?
no, i don't find it strange at all, what i find strange is that you have to reach that far back for a bad troll attempt...