Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

it's not the minute, anyway, but a lot of providers won't do it without a males signature...which would leave me to organize protests and boycotts at each and every one of them...
One womans Twitter story? Has others coming out with their horrible stories of drs wanting a spouse’s signature?Husband signature required? Bet you he is her proxy. Not a law . Super credible enough to state women need mens permission.
Actually that was the reality of what Grampa was saying. Punish the slutty women who allow themselves to get pregnant. Do you agree with that? As far as learning more about this ruling your statement about when and why they can and cannot be done was blatantly wrong so yes learn more and it may help you seem brighter, just sayin.

Yes, slutty women who 'allow' themselves..McRapey men have nothing to do with it.
The blue team will need 53 senators before anything like that is possible since two always vote with the red team. Until we unpack the court it really doesn't matter what gets passed. The court will strike down anything they don't like.
That's the idea, hold the house and get more in the senate with a lot of republicans retiring and the republicans in a lot of shit generally. So let's hope the SCOTUS decisions on guns, abortion and environmental laws piss off enough people to organize for the midterms. Have a ground game, the republicans have had one for years because it works, register voters and motivate them to vote your way, if they don't, knock on doors, call people and be creative. Gains in the senate are possible because states can't be gerrymandered, however the house is.
That will not work. It will be the same as when they did trump. Woopty do.

Somebody should probably just shoot them. Open carry on the way there if you feel compelled.

So what you're saying is we are stuck with criminals? There must be a Constitutional provision for rogue Congressional members- there has to be. Our framers had to have thought about because it existed in their time.

I wonder what ACB says/sounds like when 'speaking in tongues'..wish I could get vid of that.
It is reversible and easy to do- a lunchtime appointment.
Huh? You make it sound like a half hour procedure and back to work! After the ball sac grows to the size of a grade A grapefruit and the meds wear off you may want to spend a couple days off lol. Way more complicated then the snip, and it’s microsurgery :o!
That's the idea. . . . . . . . . . Gains in the senate are possible because states can't be gerrymandered. . . . . . .
Most states do voter roll updates right before elections. Most of the time it is a post card that you return. Black and brown folks move a lot more than white folks, so many of those post cards are returned to sender. When they turn up to vote, they may have to vote a provisional ballot and come back later and prove they have the right to vote there. Or they might just leave and not vote at all.
One womans Twitter story? Has others coming out with their horrible stories of drs wanting a spouse’s signature?Husband signature required? Bet you he is her proxy. Not a law . Super credible enough to state women need mens permission.
Should a woman need her husband's consent for a hysterectomy? Iowa House pushes to ban doctors from requiring it
Iowa medical providers could no longer require women to obtain permission from their spouses in order to receive a hysterectomy under a bill that House Republicans are trying to advance for a second time this year.

House lawmakers backing the bill say that some doctors in Iowa are still using the requirement, which appears to be uncommon. However, they declined to identify any doctors that do.

While their proposal passed the House unanimously in March, it has stalled in the Senate, where lawmakers said they want to look into the issue more. House members are now seeking to keep the proposal alive by amending a separate bill to include the requirement.

House File 684, would have specified that health care professionals cannot require a woman to obtain consent from another person, including their spouse. According to the bill, any woman who is 18 years or older, or younger and married, would have the legal capacity to consent to the procedure.

One womans Twitter story? Has others coming out with their horrible stories of drs wanting a spouse’s signature?Husband signature required? Bet you he is her proxy. Not a law . Super credible enough to state women need mens permission.
this enough for you? it isn't an isolated a google search and look at the pages of this shit that pops up
and you're right about at least one thing, this isn't a law, it's some kind of fucked up decision the care providers reach themselves...any time they've tried to make this a law, it's gotten struck down, but that doesn't stop the providers themselves from being huge assholes, for some inexplicable reason...
it's not the minute, anyway, but a lot of providers won't do it without a males signature...which would leave me to organize protests and boycotts at each and every one of them...

You're right. If you live in 'the holler' you need your husbands permission..then you make your mark because you may not be able to read/write in 2022..I just had a 60 year old female friend confide in me she's illiterate from Oklahoma her parents never sent her to school nor did they home school her..she was expected at age 12 to work and contribute to family. @bam0813
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You're right. If you live in 'the holler' you need your husbands permission..then you make your mark because you may not be able to read/write in 2022..I just had a 60 year old female friend confide in me she's illiterate from Oklahoma her parents never sent her to school nor did they home school her.
i'm has been required since before i was going. what was done to her is an actual crime...that is just sad, imagine what she has missed out on in her life...
i'm has been required since before i was going. what was done to her is an actual crime...that is just sad, imagine what she has missed out on in her life...
The biggest crime for many was she couldn't even read the Bible! They have trouble being against basic literacy for that reason alone. The only purpose of literacy was Bible study, it even started out that way in Rome as many Christians gained government jobs because they could read and write, they were educated by the standards of 1700 years ago. Christianity Judaism and Islam are book religions, reading the word of God oneself was important. Later the catholic church frowned upon bible study by the laity, because it created so many fucking lunatics, they were right about that a least!
Iowa medical providers could no longer require women to obtain permission from their spouses in order to receive a hysterectomy under a bill that House Republicans are trying to advance for a second time this year.

House lawmakers backing the bill say that some doctors in Iowa are still using the requirement, which appears to be uncommon. However, they declined to identify any doctors that do.
So what you're saying is we are stuck with criminals? There must be a Constitutional provision for rogue Congressional members- there has to be. Our framers had to have thought about because it existed in their time.

I wonder what ACB says/sounds like when 'speaking in tongues'..wish I could get vid of that.

There are, but the enforcement arm or whatever is broken. Trump got impeached twice. Then nothing happened.

It isnt a matter of a single rogue bad actor. Not sure they really pictured a situation with the civic breakdown we have as possible. The rules are only as good as the ability to enforce them/compel people to follow. That doesn't exist anymore. If you get 1/3 of the senate on board with you, you are able to do as you please. It has become a point of republican pride to thumb their nose at it.

I can't forsee any sort of future where the partisanship allows it to work again.

So you know...tyrannical government solutions and such are about all you are left with. Yes, that sounds very silly and sad.
imo the morons are the effect of a century of the worst sort of evangelical excess. The megapastors are a major source of the evil.
This will sound real harsh, & I’ve had ‘tone sensitivity’ on my mind today, so I *am* choosing my words carefully, but I need to speak plainly, too…so….

I agree. At the same time, the deliberate political manipulation (& subsequent weaponization) of the evangelical movement, and its ‘evolution’(?) into what it is today, and it’s digestion into the current ‘conservative’ base, for me dates from the birth of the 700 Club around the same time as the emergence of Falwell’s “ ‘moral’ majority” and the rise of cable & superstations. (I’m working from memory). For the moment, call it modern American fundamentalism (MAF).

As you note, it wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the deeply-ingrained Bible-worship in rural communities; and without it, I believe we wouldn’t have megachurches.

The thing most people - Christian and not - don’t realize about MAF is that the rise of televangelism, Christian radio networks, ‘Christian universities’, the mega churches has converted Christianity from an actual following of Jesus in to a business. An industry, even.

This is what has truly weaponized Christianity: the emergence of a faith-based worldview (the german word ‘bewusstsein’ (sp?) captures it better) whose adherents (psychological captives) are kept dangling with promises of rapture, paradise, and revenge on those who escape. The get used as political fodder & muscle, carefully coached in what ordinary things *really* mean, and continually fed a erroneous sense of threat and danger and wrongness in “*THEM*, Inc.” (those who were never sucked in, those who escaped, and those who had to claw their way out to survive) in order to keep them ready for immediate deployment.

Organized, owned and managed as a business: sheep for the endless fundraising shears.

The key point is that the ‘adherents’ do not realize that they’re being used, emotionally extorted for money, for political influence, for obedience, for social-engineering (culture-war) purposes, and ultimately for power, and a durable place among The People Who Run Things(tm); they do not realize that the pastors and ministers are overwhelmingly likely to not believe *anything* they say in their sales pitch to potential ‘adherents’); they do not realize they are manipulated intentionally, by people they’ve been trained to trust, to achieve financial goals and to achieve political and social ends.

And because they don’t realize these things, they have no idea at all how unfree - how misled - how manipulated - how misused they have been. If I know *anything* at all about Jesus, it’s that he would not want his people to walk such a path.

(I seem to suffer from typeorrhea)
So what you're saying is we are stuck with criminals? There must be a Constitutional provision for rogue Congressional members- there has to be. Our framers had to have thought about because it existed in their time.

I wonder what ACB says/sounds like when 'speaking in tongues'..wish I could get vid of that.
Well sure, they did that…but the people who are creating these problems aren’t rogues: they’re entrenched, with the full backing of their party. They’re ON-MESSAGE