Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Vote for me, cause the brown folks are taking over, you are under siege, be afraid, be very afraid! Who knows what the real truth is? What is truth anyway? America was great once and I will restore that greatness and your rightful place in American society (by magic). The way the SCOTUS is going it will be 6/3 on whether Trump is guilty of anything, he is like a big bank, too big to fail!

Let's hope the SCOTUS did what the democrats can't, piss off enough people over enough issues to drive them to the polls in a midterm election to vote out the cause of their misery. Or will they fuck themselves yet again for a "greater" fuzzyheaded "cause", driven by subconscious "feelings" that are manipulated by fascist assholes using money and culture war tribalism.
Well I haven’t heard you say it but go ahead
Tell us you believe “the election was stolen”?
dude, have you looked at her actual decisions as secretary of state? she wasn't good....she wasn't a criminal, but she was a cold hearted bitch who held a grudge. her decisions in Libya alone destabilized the whole region and turned it into a fucking mad max slave market....she could have, and should have, done so much better.
touch a nerve? but that reaction is exactly what i mean when i say she can't win...too many people feel too strongly against her.
she did more than enough to earn that reaction, but nothing illegal, much to the chagrin of the republicans.
the secretary of state is actually a very powerful office, and she used it poorly.
Sometimes things are both “legal” and monstrously immoral. Slavery was both legal, and wholly immoral. Same goes for imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism. Overthrowing democracy in foreign sovereign nations for the interests of American business is fucking monstrous and has no reasonable moral justification. I’d rather this country burn to the ground than have us invade, occupy or overthrow anyone else ever again.
Sometimes things are both “legal” and monstrously immoral. Slavery was both legal, and wholly immoral. Same goes for imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism. Overthrowing democracy in foreign sovereign nations for the interests of American business is fucking monstrous and has no reasonable moral justification. I’d rather this country burn to the ground than have us invade, occupy or overthrow anyone else ever again.
You are confusing history with the current situation and carrying the baggage of the past. Imperialism was not seen as a bad thing, until the rise of liberal democracy, the same goes for slavery. Morals and values change over time and we have arrived at a point where slavery is illegal and imperialism is illegal too, according to international law that Russia is breaking. It is this liberal democratic international frame work that is limiting both war and imperialism. It is getting harder for America to invade places too, without international permission which it has sought and largely obtained, though fraudulently in Iraq. America now only controls about 20% of the global economy and not only allowed rival economic powers to arise, but assisted their future competitors, not imperialistic at all.

The cold war is over and the days of installing strongmen and interfering in the business of other nations is largely over with a few notable exceptions. Increasingly the fight is between liberal democracy and something else, something familiar and unpleasant.
Sometimes things are both “legal” and monstrously immoral. Slavery was both legal, and wholly immoral. Same goes for imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism. Overthrowing democracy in foreign sovereign nations for the interests of American business is fucking monstrous and has no reasonable moral justification. I’d rather this country burn to the ground than have us invade, occupy or overthrow anyone else ever again.
you're being very broad...sometimes there are people who need to be overthrown.
sometimes people are a threat to the entire world, and they have to be dealt with.
the world doesn't fit into your moral framework, or mine. sometimes questionable things need to be done to keep the entire shit show from going down the toilet...do i like that? fuck no, but i realize that to think about the reality in any other way is delusional.
i do aspire, for the race, that we can move past that behavior, and just tell each other the truth, and give each other the respect we would like to receive...but we ain't there yet, and i doubt we'll get there while either one of us is still alive.
The idea that a nation born of genociding a continent has any moral standing from which to judge and rule is fucking absurd. The US is easily the most evil and brutal nation to ever exist. Fuck, I’m both a veteran and a mayflower descendant and even I can see through the idealist lies and mythology.
The idea that a nation born of genociding a continent has any moral standing from which to judge and rule is fucking absurd. The US is easily the most evil and brutal nation to ever exist. Fuck, I’m both a veteran and a mayflower descendant and even I can see through the idealist lies and mythology.
Like I said you are stuck in the past and just proved the point, again. You are top down learning and not bottom up learning, confirming preexisting biases. You are a civil warrior too, but your war and world are dead and gone.
The idea that a nation born of genociding a continent has any moral standing from which to judge and rule is fucking absurd. The US is easily the most evil and brutal nation to ever exist. Fuck, I’m both a veteran and a mayflower descendant and even I can see through the idealist lies and mythology.
welcome to the real shitty world...
that's how all nations are born, out of the pain and suffering of those that came before...
i'm not going to make any excuses, i'm just telling you, all around the world same song....
welcome to the real shitty world...
that's how all nations are born, out of the pain and suffering of those that came before...
i'm not going to make any excuses, i'm just telling you, all around the world same song....
That's why I don't feel guilty about anything my distant ancestors may have done.

Was it right? Nope.
Did I have anything to do with it? Nope.

Anyone who wants to blame me for genocide or slavery can go fuck themselves.

Is it legal to give hiring preference to someone based on their race?
You bet it is -- but only on a reservation. Hell they even advertise it!
That's why I don't feel guilty about anything my distant ancestors may have done.

Was it right? Nope.
Did I have anything to do with it? Nope.

Anyone who wants to blame me for genocide or slavery can go fuck themselves.

Is it legal to give hiring preference to someone based on their race?
You bet it is -- but only on a reservation. Hell they even advertise it!

The idea that a nation born of genociding a continent has any moral standing from which to judge and rule is fucking absurd. The US is easily the most evil and brutal nation to ever exist. Fuck, I’m both a veteran and a mayflower descendant and even I can see through the idealist lies and mythology.
What is their claim to fame?
I would say it depends on perspective and context. Personally, I don't think you own the sins of your nation or forefathers unless you are really kinda rolling around in that shit and using it as a point of pride.

It is reasonable to keep it in mind for understanding historical context and whatnot, why things are the way they are.
i think he's right...i was not alive at the time of many of these grievances, and neither were the people making the grievances.
i deny any personal responsibility.
the only responsibility i willingly shoulder is the responsibility to make things right now, and in the future.
Maybe I did a better job of reading between the lines than you did.