Hardest of waters


Active Member
My tap water is the issue . And giving humidifier water ,even if it was swimming in dust and shit ,would be better than the tap water alone . It’s full of lime and calcium . It was a good call on the humidifier water ,until I can find a more stable solution.


Well-Known Member
My tap water is the issue . And giving humidifier water ,even if it was swimming in dust and shit ,would be better than the tap water alone . It’s full of lime and calcium . It was a good on the humidifier water ,until I can find a more stable solution.
The major concern is potential toxins getting into your plants and then ultimately you. ~Your friendly little RIU Clown


Well-Known Member
@MikeyP4-20 I'm going to close this out with if you wouldn't drink the water yourself you shouldn't feed it to your plants. Condensate is full of potential toxins and pathogens that you wouldn't know exist without sending it into a lab for testing. With RO filtration you know you're filtering ground water to its purest possible form other than distillation. With your grow tent you could always just get a water distiller and use that too, it not only boils the water but any harmful shit is left in the distiller.

Your feeding plants water that dripped off this, maybe fine but not a great long term option.


Well-Known Member
Mr money bags over here @calvin.m16 doesn't even boil his spaghetti in radiator water.
When I'm thirsty and it's hot out I just let my cars AC run and collect the water dripping off the bottom of it that normally would puddle up on the ground. Why pay $2 for a bottle of water when I can get it for free from my condenser. :eyesmoke: Who cares if I get a little lead, copper and other toxic heavy metals, I'll live, for now at least.