January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Witness tampering of Cassidy Hutchinson, Jeffrey Clark's crimes, AG Garland and DOJ's legitimacy
12,563 views Jul 3, 2022 The January 6 committee public hearings have revealed deeply damaging AND ongoing crimes by Team Trump, including witness tampering of Cassidy Hutchinson. Additionally, we have known for many months that former high Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark attempted to corrupt and weaponize the DOJ as part of Donald Trump's conspiracy to overturn the results of the presidential election. Yet it took 18 months for federal authorities to even just obtain a search warrant for Clark's cell phone. It seems clear that Attorney General Merrick Garland is keenly concerned about the legitimacy and reputation of the DOJ. However, unless witness tampering is addressed promptly and high government official are indicted soon for the crimes we have seen them committed in the harsh light of day, the legitimacy of the DOJ many soon reach the point of no return.

Witness tampering of Cassidy Hutchinson, Jeffrey Clark's crimes, AG Garland and DOJ's legitimacy
12,563 views Jul 3, 2022 The January 6 committee public hearings have revealed deeply damaging AND ongoing crimes by Team Trump, including witness tampering of Cassidy Hutchinson. Additionally, we have known for many months that former high Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark attempted to corrupt and weaponize the DOJ as part of Donald Trump's conspiracy to overturn the results of the presidential election. Yet it took 18 months for federal authorities to even just obtain a search warrant for Clark's cell phone. It seems clear that Attorney General Merrick Garland is keenly concerned about the legitimacy and reputation of the DOJ. However, unless witness tampering is addressed promptly and high government official are indicted soon for the crimes we have seen them committed in the harsh light of day, the legitimacy of the DOJ many soon reach the point of no return.

The reputation of the DOJ? My ass, they can allow a black woman to take five years for double voteing, but can't get off their ass to hold the Orange Menace and his minions to account for atttacking the institution of American democracy. #Gutless Garland is a major factor in Joe's lack of popularity.

Witness tampering of Cassidy Hutchinson, Jeffrey Clark's crimes, AG Garland and DOJ's legitimacy
12,563 views Jul 3, 2022 The January 6 committee public hearings have revealed deeply damaging AND ongoing crimes by Team Trump, including witness tampering of Cassidy Hutchinson. Additionally, we have known for many months that former high Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark attempted to corrupt and weaponize the DOJ as part of Donald Trump's conspiracy to overturn the results of the presidential election. Yet it took 18 months for federal authorities to even just obtain a search warrant for Clark's cell phone. It seems clear that Attorney General Merrick Garland is keenly concerned about the legitimacy and reputation of the DOJ. However, unless witness tampering is addressed promptly and high government official are indicted soon for the crimes we have seen them committed in the harsh light of day, the legitimacy of the DOJ many soon reach the point of no return.
so, Glenn finally feels the same way i do? only took him a year to catch up....
so anyone else wanna tell me it's all being carefully choreographed and strategically timed to do the most damage?
so, Glenn finally feels the same way i do? only took him a year to catch up....
so anyone else wanna tell me it's all being carefully choreographed and strategically timed to do the most damage?
He's felt that way for awhile and wants trump's ass. I'd like to see him appointed special independent council and let him loose on the works of them with a big budget and a thousand recently retired FBI agents and DOJ prosecutors.

I'm just trying to guess at the possible reasons for delay, congress investigated the top end while the DOJ got the little fish cleaned up and worked it's way up. I can understand the delay with congress, the closer to the election the better, but the DOJ delay is another matter, though it did take Garland a few months to get confirmed. Witness tampering is what is taking it to a whole new level and something the FBI should be fucking someone's holiday weekend up over.
Here's a question" If they were engaged in witness tampering with this guy, how come Garland hasn't arrested them for it already? This is an old crime and I can understand why Barr never did anything, but a crime was committed on this guy and other than a civil suit, crickets. But I suppose if the republicans win the house this fall there will be crickets on a lot of things as everything they can is memory holed, they will. Some people can break the law and others cannot, the bar is so high for busting the rich because they enjoy a much higher standard of justice and evidence, than regular citizens.

Whatever happened to the case against Matt Gatez? I guess some republican on the jury will let him off for child molesting and daddy is worth a fortune. Matt was so worried he wanted Trump to give him a pardon from birth, he need not worry, timid Merrick won't bother him, since he might lose in court and besides, it would look political and we can't have that, even if it means letting a child molester run lose, it's not like there are victims of crimes and they are crimes for a reason. It's not Merrick's fault, didn't create the US legal system, it just evolved that way with the help of money setting precedent. The American legal system is about as just, as the American government is democratically elected, it is not. The house is gerrymandered, the senate represents geography, not people and has further enhanced minority rule with the filibuster. The president is not democratically elected by a majority either, though in the case of Biden he had both an EC and popular vote victory.

Happy 4th of July, at least until it becomes, "Great Leader Day", he who was anointed by Republican Jesus himself to lead America.

Alexander Vindman On Trump Team Intimidating Jan 6 Witnesses: "This Is How They Operate"
86,045 views Jul 4, 2022 Lt. Colonel (ret.) Alexander Vindman, who played a major role in the first impeachment trial of Donald Trump, joins Cori Coffin to discuss his own experience facing intimidation by Trump team members amid growing concerns of pressuring witnesses called to testify in the January 6 hearings.
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Honig explains what possible Trump criminal referral could look like
17,103 views Jul 4, 2022 CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig breaks down the types of federal charges former President Donald Trump could face if the January 6 committee makes a criminal referral to the Justice Department.
an open letter to Garland Merrick

I don't think you should be the Attorney General of the United States...You were a very good judge, and should have been on the supreme court, but a judge is a defender of the law, a shield between the lawless and immoral and the good people of the country.
The Attorney General is a defender as well, but only in the sense that a good offense is the best defense...You no longer carry a shield, you now carry a sword...USE IT.
Our democracy is under grave threat from the machinations of the republican party. They have conspired by gerrymandering and out right lying, behind closed doors, to place as many republicans in sensitive local offices as the can, so that they can interfere in the next elections. They have achieved a grievously packed supreme court that is aiding and abetting the republican's criminal schemes.
You HAVE to press charges against as many of them as you can...if they're allowed to remain in office through the 2022 elections, they will use the positions they have already gained to lie, cheat and steal their way into even more positions, in preparation for the 2024 presidential elections...
those slates of false electors have to be charged, the republican senators and congress people who aided the plot have to be charged.
I don't expect you to prosecute trump immediately, if ever. He has become more or less irrelevant...the real damage to the republican party would come from putting as many of them in a cell as humanly possible between now and November, and the one funny thing in this whole travesty is that they would be doing the damage to themselves.
Their carefully laid plots would fall apart with many of the key facilitators sitting in a prison cell.
Then it would be time to start impeaching perjurers from the supreme court...But that can't happen, if you don't help dismantle their criminal organization right now.
You are no longer a shield, BE the sword.

My guess is they are going to move on to deciding if they should hold some hearings to see if they should pass a resolution to decide if they can issue a strongly worded letter to someone running for office.

It's a pretty major weakness and extremely frustrating. There needs to be some action to give the claims some legitimacy. You know how Republicans are like "Hillary Clinton killed 50 people!" and the democrats are like "that's silly, if she killed all these people in a vast conspiracy, why isn't she locked up? If it's so clear why is she not in jail, a bunch would like to put her there."

...yeah, it's starting to feel like that. It's like doing a group project and the democrats are the guy that insists on being group leader but then shows up on presentation day without their slides and bad case of stage fright. They are being led by moderate republicans.

Edit: even the ever optimistic diy seems to be noticing it. Democrats need to do something other than ask for donations and blind voter allegiance.
Edit: even the ever optimistic diy seems to be noticing it. Democrats need to do something other than ask for donations and blind voter allegiance.
The democrats are driven by the base too and are about to get a huge dose of motivation from America's women. The legal community is up in arms about the delays to justice too, not just the public, I've been posting legal opinions from lawyers. Things are quiet at the DOJ, this gives me hope, because there should be resignations with public letters by now, if Garland was sitting on his hands in confusion without a plan. These public hearings give him and the DOJ tremendous political cover when they do go after Trump and his band of miscreants and put the facts before the public.

I still think Georgia is gonna take the first bite out of the apple by prosecuting Trump with a TV trial and 3 ring circus in half black, heavily democratic Fulton Co. The city of Atlanta should see a riot on the courthouse steps as Donald puts out the call to his base of lunatics and morons. Indicting him in Georgia before the election could have interesting results and break the ice for other indictments. I think the feds are waiting for the state TV trial, where the big lie will be refuted to Trump's face on national TV by state republican officials. I'm hoping the judge will order Donald tied to his chair and ball gagged cause he won't STFU!
The democrats are driven by the base too and are about to get a huge dose of motivation from America's women. The legal community is up in arms about the delays to justice too, not just the public, I've been posting legal opinions from lawyers. Things are quiet at the DOJ, this gives me hope, because there should be resignations with public letters by now, if Garland was sitting on his hands in confusion without a plan. These public hearings give him and the DOJ tremendous political cover when they do go after Trump and his band of miscreants and put the facts before the public.

I still think Georgia is gonna take the first bite out of the apple by prosecuting Trump with a TV trial and 3 ring circus in half black, heavily democratic Fulton Co. The city of Atlanta should see a riot on the courthouse steps as Donald puts out the call to his base of lunatics and morons. Indicting him in Georgia before the election could have interesting results and break the ice for other indictments. I think the feds are waiting for the state TV trial, where the big lie will be refuted to Trump's face on national TV by state republican officials. I'm hoping the judge will order Donald tied to his chair and ball gagged cause he won't STFU!
do you seriously think they can get 12 people on a jury without 1 of them being a magat? in Georgia?...they'll get hung jury after hung jury till trump dies of a heart attack from all that big mac fat...at maralardo, playing golf.
do you seriously think they can get 12 people on a jury without 1 of them being a magat? in Georgia?...they'll get hung jury after hung jury till trump dies of a heart attack from all that big mac fat...at maralardo, playing golf.
Yes, they convicted derek chauvin. They can have alternate jurors too. Any regular loud mouthed magat wouldn't make it long, if at all.
Yes, they convicted derek chauvin. They can have alternate jurors too. Any regular loud mouthed magat wouldn't make it long, if at all.
they're not all loud mouth idiots...don't believe our own propaganda...loud mouthed idiots don't come terrifyingly close to a successful coup...the majority of magats are fools and morons...but not all of them, and the majority of republican politicians are idiots and buffoons, but NOT ALL OF THEM...as much as i hate both their guts, cruz and desatanis both have good educations, even if they use the knowledge for evil.
do you seriously think they can get 12 people on a jury without 1 of them being a magat? in Georgia?...they'll get hung jury after hung jury till trump dies of a heart attack from all that big mac fat...at maralardo, playing golf.
It's worth a shot, Fulton Co. is half black and heavily democratic, they have a harder time arguing with sworn evidence in a trial than with the "mainstream media". It is a slam dunk case with a recording of the crime and republican public officials testifying. I give it way better than average chances for a conviction even with a few republicans on the jury. They have the evidence and a very good case in Georgia.

Also any federal trial of Trump is likely to happen in DC and Trumpers are less of a factor there too. IMHO it's worth a shot, to do otherwise makes the law a cruel joke and Garland will be the joker who broke the justice system, he would be an accessory after the fact to seditious conspiracy and obstructing justice. There has been no breaking of ranks inside the DOJ, even though many on the outside and former officials have been complaining bitterly about it in the news. No resignations with public letters of complaint, yet and the place is full of democrats and those with a hard on for Donald...

Glenn Kirschner: "Mark Meadows Knew He Committed Crimes & The Only Way Out Was a Pardon from Trump."
5,289 views Jul 4, 2022 Glenn Kirschner: "Mark Meadows Knew He Committed Crimes & The Only Way Out Was a Pardon from Trump."