first grow


Well-Known Member
I'm germanating 2 hawaiian sativa, 2 Sweet Blue, 1 Magnum, and 1 Willie Nelson. So far i got 2 sprouted up today, 1 willie, n a magnum, they are unnder 1 24'' flourecent, and 2 MH.


Well-Known Member
ill put pics up in a bit waiting for battery to charge, and has anyone grown or smoke these strains?


Well-Known Member
hmm cant seem to post pics
One way you should be able to post pics, Go Advanced, scroll down to >Manage Attatchments> this will bring up a new Window> where you can >Browse and >Upload> Close this window and > Preview post, they show up as thumbnails in the bottom of the post> Submit Reply. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well...ok, I am concerned about the 2 mh, does that mean you have 2 metal halides over these seedling? Hope not, thought I might see it in your pictures. They have special bulbs that are better for plants that will fit that fixture, aroung $8.00 a bulb at Menards, the t-12's and t-8's have the same pin pattern, they are interchangable.
The floro is enough for the babies for a few weeks.
My eyes are not that great, it does appear to me like you don't need to water the rockwool today. VV


Well-Known Member
If you like you can upload more pix's in the same post, up to 20 I think now. After you uplaod the first 4 go back and browse and upload the next 4..... VV


Well-Known Member
thanks, okay so about the MH, would it better to just keep those later for budding? i got a veg room set up for these new babies to go into when they get a little taller, the veg room has 6 48'' floure.


Well-Known Member
the MH will be fine after the first week or so, start with it about 18" above the plants and move it down a few inches each day, then start moving it back up as the plants grow up. If its air cooled, and it should be, you should be able to get it within 8" of the top of your plants without burning them. The floros can go right on top of these babies right now, less heat, same light getting to the plants, and cost less to operate. Iused to have a stand I used for vegging plants, I had 6 floro fixtures, 2 for each shelf, and I had 12 clones in 8" pots on each shelf, I think yo have enough vegging light. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lmao oh yah, for sure, well i plan to have about 4-6 mothers and take as many clones as i can, i am making my own bubbleponic systems, and maybe a drip system for my veg.


Well-Known Member
day 2 moved 2 sprouts into veg room, they are in a humidity dome, temp is 78.8 humidity is 70%-75%+, they are under the 6 flourescents and 12'' underneath them. they are being fed have strenght of my nute solution.

(first one is Willie Nelson x SSH, socond is Magnum )


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Nice strains there. Here's a Magnum bud grown under CFLs but not by me. There's a whole journal here.

VV is right - you won't need the MH for a week or two but how far away is the flouro from your plants? Looks like the sprouts are stretching a bit more than you want. And I'm wondering what kind of nutes you're using? Just curious. Anyway, good start. Keep us posted.



Well-Known Member
the lights are sitting 12'' above the my babies, and the nutes im using are from grotek, and they are bi tek grow 1 and bi tek bloom 2 , with vitamaxplus and hydrozyme. and thanks for the info on the magnum =D it will help a lot

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea flouro light is weaker at a distance compared to MH or HPS. That's okay because it is cooler in temperature so you can move it closer. I haven't used fluoro tube before but I use CFLs (the curly bulbs) all the time and try to keep them an avg of 2 inches away from the nearest leaf. The plants don't burn unless they are actually touching the bulb. With a 24" inch tube and young sprouts I would say go 6-8 inches. Just make sure there is a fan blowing the heat away from the plants.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Sounds right. As I said I've never used a tube fluoro before but I've done lots of other things like 400 watt MH from seed with no problems. Good general rule is if you can hold your hand at a certain distance and not burn it then your plant can be at that distance too.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
And you want to keep the stretching to a minimum. A short bushy plant is much easier to deal with than tall stringy ones.