January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

The rats will be running and squealing in Georgia and in Washington when the DOJ gets ahold of them. Garland had better get ahold of them soon, because not going after them with hammer and tongs is clearly a political decision showing both fear and favor. Many people perceive the Biden administration as weak and Trump and Trumpism as strong, nothing will knock the stuffing out of Trump and his supporters than him getting convicted and sent to prison. In the meantime he is a useful boogieman for the democrats to use and he is dividing the republican party and keeping his crimes and theirs in the news.

The lunatics in the state parties passing anti abortion and other idiotic laws are probably doing the most for the democrats on both the state and federal levels in the coming midterms. The SCOTUS helped a lot too, by galvanizing the democratic party in a midterm election. Also a large majority of women in America now view women's rights as their number one issue. These women organized into a ground game in all 50 states could make a big difference by registering voters, motivating younger and first time voters, visiting neighborhoods and driving voters to the polls, all the things women are good at.
It's terrible at the local level and getting worse everyday. My best friend made his girls quit their jobs because of Trump hatred towards them. He adopted 2 adorable new born Chinese girls. They just entered college now. They're perfect kids, working retail jobs when they don't have to, volunteering for the disabled, active in sports, and extracurricular activities, both valedictorians of their classes, and eyeing careers that help people. Just unbelievably good kids but in their retail jobs they were being viciously attacked by Trump supporters during the pandemic amid Trump's China rhetoric. It was getting dangerous and nobody deserves the abuse being dished out.
Cipollone reaches deal to give transcribed interview to January 6 committee

Cipollone reaches deal to give transcribed interview to January 6 committee

The lawyers know how bad being cross examined by a prosecutor in front of a grand jury can be, he knows there is no way out in the end and that there were too many crimes committed by too many people. He also knows the desperate rats will be running and squealing, if the DOJ gets serious about this shit and the heat is white hot on Garland. Cipollone will be lucky to escape prison himself, he had knowledge of crimes, did he contact the FBI, warn congress or do anything, other than run around like a chicken with his head cut off? He had better come clean and hope some future independent special counsel doesn't sweep him up along with everybody else connected to the plots, schemes and conspiracies.
I wouldn't want to be responsible for cleaning ketchup off the walls at Mar Lago today ;):hump:
Donald is due for a lot of depends changes and lunch throwing at the TV screen. He will need a Plexiglas shield in front of the screen with a windshield washer and wiper. Maybe a shitter built into his Lazyboy chair to save labor and frequent cleanups. I hope he has one of those TVs with a camera built in and someone hacked it and the built in mic, one day the video will be released...

Hayes: Pat Cipollone Could Be The John Dean Of The Jan. 6 Case
9,089 views Jul 6, 2022 "Cipollone warned the ex-President and those around him over and over about the crimes they could be charged with if they went through with their plot," says Chris Hayes. "When Pat Cipollone speaks to the committee on Friday, he could be the John Dean of this investigation."
Seems like a lot of people taking the 5th. Is that standard practice in the States?

I'm not as fluent in these things as others are here.
Pat Cipollone should testify in public like a patriot not behind closed doors like a coward. After all Cassiday did it out in front of the nation, and she did well. Pat should be dragged in front of the cameras and interrogated harshly, because he was required by law to report criminal behavior in the White House. He needs to be disbarred as soon as he finishes his testimony.

Harsh, you say? No a lawyer who fails to follow the Law must be held to a high standard, or we end up with another Bill Barr and no one wants that.
Seems like a lot of people taking the 5th. Is that standard practice in the States?

I'm not as fluent in these things as others are here.

Yeah, it's fairly common. It's the option that exists if you don't want to lie, but also aren't willing to tell the truth. I'm sure there is a legitimate use of the 5th amendment, it's the legal basis for the right to remain silent, but generally speaking, as seen on TV, it means you committed some crimes but aren't willing to talk about them.
This seems most appropriate
Maybe it will be the Devil went down in Georgia, if they convict him of a felony there. It is a slam dunk case with a recording and witnesses and she is looking at conspiracy and racketeering too. It would normally carry a 3 year prison sentence and a 1 year minimum sentence and this should carry the maximum sentence for the simple election crime alone.

Dunno how Donald in a Georgia prison will work out, but it will put him in a cage and break the ice while Garland gets ready to put him away for good. Trump's trial in Georgia will be on TV and it will be epic!
