Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

$99 a night seems very reasonable for that. I know the area.
I thought so too, until I considered ALL of the amenities.

Complimentary fresh eggs and bottled OJ in the fridge is a bonus.
The kitchen is stocked with a complement of spices and herbs.
Baking utensils, cutlery, tableware in abundance.

I became aware that wine is also a complimentary amenity. (specific details are vague).

There is a case of wine in the complimentary laundry. Inventory is full "(specific details for distribution are vague)."

An articulated guess on the "reasonable" rate would be based on compounded math.
Is the case complimentary for the entire stay?, per night?, per person?, per night per person?
Drinking Wine animated emoticon

1 free bottle of wine, 2 ?, 1 case or 2, Should I tell them the wine is running out or just thank them for the overwhelming hospitality and check out?

Funny Wine Quotes | Wine and Beer Junky
I have been up since 5 am, soooo pissed off I couldn't sleep. It's a long story, but my closing that is supposed to happen tomorrow is in jeopardy because the bank is being a dick, and both the buyer and seller have their belongings on UHauls.

It is going to cost my friends / clients 12k....and I am about to go help them finish loading said UHaul. Gonna be a long f***ed up day! The buyer is in worse shape. They already closed on their old home yesterday, and are in a motel with kids and pets and everything they own on their UHaul. They will be homeless if my clients say no to the banks last minute extortion demands.
I’m waking, I’m baking, I’m… taking a shit

I’m also trying to decide what to go back to school for since it’s payed for and comes with a monthly check. Torn between philosophy and hvac. Philosophy is neat and something I study/ponder on my own, hvac has actual use value for my chosen profession (growing high grade indoor cannabis) so you can see the issue. Do I study something fun yet useless or technical and boring but useful?