Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
i searched for missing people in nome alaska...didn't get one reputable hit back, everything ws on fringe freaky sites, and i don't trust ANY of them for anything. i would guess most of the people missing in all of alaska either froze to death and will be eventually found in the woods, or someone got sick of being locked up with them for 9 month winters and killed them.We must have a talk about dimensions..I'm afraid once we figure how to get ourselves there (which we probably know already they're just not telling us) our physics properties won't work there and can't get back.
Where do you think all those people in Nome, Alaska have disappeared to?
so explain to me how the people who live in a place our physics won't work (?) got here? wouldn't their physics not work here? if reality is so different in either place?
why does humanity have so much trouble believing that extraterrestrials don't give one flying fuck about us? our ego makes us assume that people who can go anywhere, and do anything, would waste one second on our pathetic little backwater planet? there isn't one unique thing on our planet except us, and we're no fucking prize. ANYTHING they could want from us, they would pass by a thousand times on their way here, on a thousand different planets, a million different asteroids...we're a pissant planet in the middle of no where, inhabited by hostile, stupid, self destructive idiots...anyone watch "the Orville" ? see the episode where one race keeps other races as zoo exhibits, and they let them all go for a catalog of human reality shows?...that's the only reason i can even faintly imagine for aliens observing us, we're like a really bad reality show, where everyone fucks everyone, and then lies through their teeth about it....
and if aliens are interested in that, then i don't want them to be real