Is hydro really that hard? Second grow (former soil grower)


Well-Known Member
Well I decided to do my first grow in soil. It looks great so far (11 days flower), but im wondering about my second.

I will have a bigger space (4x4), and was looking to go hydro (more accurate, and just better i've heard). Will I be able to fit more plants in that 4x4 area using hydro/soil.

Im thinking soil because I can space out the pots, but with dwc you cant. There in a res. sooo yeah.

My understanding of hydro is as follows:

1. I will need a ppm meter and hydro nutes.
2. Make a res. with faq as guide.
3. It will grow faster, but is harder to maintain.
4. Not sure, but im doing a perpetual harvest for my next grow (1 flower room/1veg room)

So I guess my overall question is..What are my options/what options would you recommend? Any1 using a similar set up giving info would be great:bigjoint:

chronic crusader

Active Member
hydro is hard to do perpetually as plants in different stages of life need different nutes so you would have to have two tables and harvest every 9 weeks or less also do not put 4or 5 strains in the same table because each strain will demand different ppm and ph it takes me like 3 grows of a strain to really figure it out hope that answer is not disappointing


Well-Known Member
I never thought of different strains... I mean it makes sense, lol I have 4 females flowering now, but one is sativa so its 8" taller than the others..

Maybe I should stick to soil? who knows I just thought Hydro was a better more persice way about growing.

Ebb + flow or Flood + drain? Which is better


Well-Known Member
Ebb + flow or Flood + drain? Which is better

If the two were different, i'd go with ebb and flow. :blsmoke:

they're the same thing buddy.

watch mr green's i grow chronic. as well as sea of green 3 hydroponics. it'll help you understand things better when you see it actually being put together and working. both vids have a few things that most of this community will frown upon.

watch learn ask.


Well-Known Member
Hydro isn't that hard, like Tems said look up mr. green on youtube, he lays it out for you, thats how I started, Thank you!!!!!


New Member
Hydro is definitely cleaner.

I grow hydro becuase I hate dirt. I don't wan't it in my house. I don't wan't to get my hands dirty mixing the stuff.

With hydro, I believe, it is much easier to fix problems. You flush for your plants for however long you need to and continue on as normal.

It looks cooler, grows quicker, but requires a little more maintenance(not neccessarily).

And if it's your first hydro grow (like mine right now), I would reccomend DWC (Deep Water Culture) by far the simplest method of growing hydroponically.


Well-Known Member
hydro is hard to do perpetually as plants in different stages of life need different nutes so you would have to have two tables and harvest every 9 weeks or less also do not put 4or 5 strains in the same table because each strain will demand different ppm and ph it takes me like 3 grows of a strain to really figure it out hope that answer is not disappointing
Unless your using Bubbleponics. we do perpetual every week, with bubbleponics. the advantages are every plant is it's own hydro-system.
this a great set-up for a personal grow. once you get it going you all ways
have some smoke.

Well I decided to do my first grow in soil. It looks great so far (11 days flower), but im wondering about my second.

I will have a bigger space (4x4), and was looking to go hydro (more accurate, and just better i've heard). Will I be able to fit more plants in that 4x4 area using hydro/soil.

Im thinking soil because I can space out the pots, but with dwc you cant. There in a res. sooo yeah.

My understanding of hydro is as follows:

1. I will need a ppm meter and hydro nutes.
2. Make a res. with faq as guide.
3. It will grow faster, but is harder to maintain.
4. Not sure, but im doing a perpetual harvest for my next grow (1 flower room/1veg room)

So I guess my overall question is..What are my options/what options would you recommend? Any1 using a similar set up giving info would be great:bigjoint:
You need a pH meter way more than a TDS meter.


Active Member
I do hydro in 5 gallon buckets get a bucket with a lid cut a hole just slightly smaller than the pot you will use and run a small pump in the bucket with tubing coming through the bottom of the pot and out the top. fill the pot with hydrotron expanded clay and fill bucket up with nutreint solution to a couple of inches below the bottom of the pot. simple clean easy to change solution - just turn off pump a few mins and pick entire pot and pump assembly up and set in another bucket with what ever you need -- clean water to flush - new solution ect. Oh yeah I run the tubing around the top of the pot with small holes drilled in it to drip solution into pot just use silicone to plug the end - no fittings no valves no leaks - its a joy to use and cheap to build cost me 20 for the pump 2.50 for the bucket 1.00 for the lid 3.00 for a good plastic pot media I use hydrotron but am going to use gravel with two buckets this year -
3.00 for gravel so for 30 bucks its done.
I can fit four of these under each of my 400 watt mh or hps and it keeps all my babies isolated so I dont have a major problem if one goes off a little bit but so far the have worked great no timers involved either pump runs constant in each and keeps it all happy