a couple of questions for liberals


Well-Known Member
1. do you support affirmative action?
2. do you support unions?

if you answered yes to both then you are confused at best and idiots at worst.

unions support moving up in the company through seniority.
affirmative action supports moving up in the company through racial quotas.
do you not see how illogical it is to support both?
they have different goals.

any way, there is no reason to flame me, how about for once just answering the question.


Well-Known Member
i am not saying you cant but if you can please spell them out for me so i can better myself :D

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
I don't know you personally but, we all know that some liberals and conservatives blindly hold to there believes without acknowledging facts.
Perfect example of ardent Bush supporters that claim to be conservative and constitutionalists, but at the same time see it fit to infringe on peoples rights and constitutional law just to further their agenda. At the same time spending all kinds off money on things that we cant afford i.e. two wars, a Drug war, bank bailouts, and record numbers of other miscellaneous gov't spending. All blanketed with the guise of the govt will help you and protect you. Can you say SOCIALISM. Just my 2 cents:peace:


Well-Known Member
good luck getting a liberal to give you a 'straight' answer man. the definition of liberal is to loosly interpret everything. (liberal interpretation of the law) (conservatives take it for what the words actually say)

most people are run by emotions, and emotions are blinding filters from the truth.
i'm not saying emotions are bad, they just distort reality. and you have to be smart enough to know that when you think about things.. like, "am i mad about this" yes? then i need to understand that i am mad about it when i make decisions about it. people don't do that. emotions run their lives and they just follow em like a moth follows light.

unions were only good back in the day, when they were NEEDED. they aren't NEEDED now since we have laws that took their place.

Affirmative action was only good when it was NEEDED, now it's not NEEDED. people don't even care about race, only quality and cost of the worker.

affirmative action promotes racism now a days.
unions promote laziness.
welfare promotes striving to be the bottom of the barrel

this is the american way now. what can i get for nothing, everryone owes me everything, and life isn't fair cause i'm (pick a race).


New Member
I'm a liberal and as such, I think I have a better view on society than all the uptight assholes pinched tight, ulcerated stomach conservatives, that want to empower the rich and lay waste to the poor. Unions have every bit as much a place in society now as they ever had, in fact with this new corporate "fuck the employees" stance, maybe even more. I will agree that some unions have crooks running their business, but does anyone believe that upper management of corporations aren't just high paid theives? Affirmative action has been the cornerstone of creating a black middle class, just as unions were the same for the workers. Maybe white collar workers don't need unions, (Ask some of the 2 million that have been laid off recently) But as one can see, without union support, GM would just lay off (Fire) 50% of their workforce, stop all benefits, terminate pensions, (Fuck all those that put in 30 years at GM), and keep paying their executives millions in salaries and bonuses. Without unions, there would be no medical, no overtime, no paid vacations, in fact, there would probably be no vacations at all. I have suggested this before: adapt socialized medicine and remove this burden from corporations and the workers. This is so blatant as a remedy to the medical crises in this country, it's pathetic we can't get-er-done. The HMO and Insurance lobby has tied this up for years. Time to give them the boot.

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
right on medicine man. you hit the nail on the head its time to give some power back to our working class. Without the middle and wording class our nation has no real worth. Far to long corporate lobby's and executives have been consumed with greed at the expense of workers. It never ceases to amaze me that people can so passionately support the same groups of greedy pricks that feast off there livelihoods. its time for people to wake up and realize this nation is being bought and sold right in front of you.


Well-Known Member
good luck getting a liberal to give you a 'straight' answer man. the definition of liberal is to loosly interpret everything. (liberal interpretation of the law) (conservatives take it for what the words actually say)
According to your definition Bush must be very liberal the way he 'interpreted' laws to fit into his abuse of power. Everything from torture to spying on our own.

FYI, the true definition of liberal is:
'open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.'

Thanks for proving conservatives like to 'loosely interpret' meanings to fit their own agenda, and thanks for supporting a party that has done nothing but fuck up the country more than any terrorist could.


Well-Known Member
i am not a liberal but ill give it a shot.

1. I beleive in hireing and fireing based on performance. Best man gets the job. In America, with Capitolism, free enterprise, we run on the basis of competition.

2. Nowadays, fuck no. Well, like med said, we do need unions because corporations, given the chance, with fuck us up the ass hard with a big fat black dick repeatedly all to save or make a buck. But nowadays there are alot of unions that are so fucked up its not even funny. I want to support the common American working man, but Jesus Christ your not worth $60 an hour to push a broom get a real job.


Well-Known Member
there are very few if any who make 60$ an hour, another bogus stat that been thrown around this past few weeks, and picked up by every charlatan on T.V and radio


Well-Known Member
there are very few if any who make 60$ an hour, another bogus stat that been thrown around this past few weeks, and picked up by every charlatan on T.V and radio

I didnt even know that was a stat, I was being sarcastic to get my point across. My point is that people are trying to make jobs into careers via unions. One REAL LIFE NON BOGUS EXAMPLE is the cashiers at Albertsons and Vons around here. A couple years ago they went on strike because they wanted FULL BENEFITS on top of their $19 an hour pay. For being a cashier. To me, a cashier is a job, not a career. To me, a career is a job you can work your way up in. Its not like if your a cashier you have the potential to be management next week. Jesus, FULL BENEFITS and $19 bucks an hour for scanning groceries? Get a real job. But they lost that strike so Im happy.


New Member
1. do you support affirmative action?
2. do you support unions?

if you answered yes to both then you are confused at best and idiots at worst.

unions support moving up in the company through seniority.
affirmative action supports moving up in the company through racial quotas.
do you not see how illogical it is to support both?
they have different goals.

any way, there is no reason to flame me, how about for once just answering the question.
you have no idea what a union does at all do you?
"unions support moving up in the company through seniority." that is the most ingnorant statement I have ever heard. you have no idea what a union does or the history of unions...your a moron.;-)


Well-Known Member
I don't vote, don't support any of the political party's in my country or in yours. I see ideas like liberalism and conservatism, are cultivated as tools to take control of the masses.

I am a grower of ganja, in a country whose powers that be consider it to be a dangerous, violent and anti-social plants....

So I guess that makes me an outlaw? Or is there no such thing as that these days?

Now to the questions:
"do you support affirmative action?"

Not that I do or dont support it, I just see that it is a diversion and a false hope for afro-americans. Yes the system and big business is biassed and prejudice, but as I say to all my afro brothers, 'grow weed brothers, for in the cultivation of weed lays your redemption, Jah Rastafari'.

"do you support unions?"
Unions do their part in keeping people happy in the big machine. Workers on shit wages love them because they get them higher wages. But never enough to get out of the big hole that is the working class.

My suggestion to anyone that is in a job that pays you crap wages, is to save up your last 3 pays, buy some grow equipment, leave your dumb ass job, tell your soon to be previous boss to go fuck himself, and grow weed.


Well-Known Member
you have no idea what a union does at all do you?
"unions support moving up in the company through seniority." that is the most ingnorant statement I have ever heard. you have no idea what a union does or the history of unions...your a moron.;-)

heh, nah i dont know anything about unions other than most of my working career has been for a union company :D
namely UPS, a company in which all hourly employees get the same raise each year no matter how shitty or how good they are and one in which you cannot move up in the company, namely going from handling packages to driving the little brown truck, unless you are the most senior package handler. a company in which it takes 15 times of being late or absent within 9 months to even be considered for suspension or termination and then the union will get all in a tiffy even though that employee needs to be fired and the person will probably only get a one day suspension if they are late or absent 5 more times ;p


Well-Known Member
I don't Believe in neither, I believe in the right for everyone to be able to work on any given job and union membership should never be a requirement.

As far as affirmative action, it is not needed any more(this past election proves that). It was one time, (just after the civil rights movement) But a person should be able to get a job based on his or her own merits and not the color of thier skin.


New Member
I didnt even know that was a stat, I was being sarcastic to get my point across. My point is that people are trying to make jobs into careers via unions. One REAL LIFE NON BOGUS EXAMPLE is the cashiers at Albertsons and Vons around here. A couple years ago they went on strike because they wanted FULL BENEFITS on top of their $19 an hour pay. For being a cashier. To me, a cashier is a job, not a career. To me, a career is a job you can work your way up in. Its not like if your a cashier you have the potential to be management next week. Jesus, FULL BENEFITS and $19 bucks an hour for scanning groceries? Get a real job. But they lost that strike so Im happy.
If someone losing benefits makes you happy, then you my friend are the hapless idiot. What those "cashiers as you call them were trying to do was get the same benefits as full time employees. Albertson and quite a few other companies have applied this scam to keep their wages down. Instead of having 20 full time employees, they hire 40 part time employees as then they don't have to offer benefits or pay overtime, as there is a 40 Hr. clause, so they could work a part time employee for 39 hrs straight and only pay straight time. My question is this: since Albertsons and others instituted this plan,.did their prices go down? Hell no they didn't. The profit just went up at the expense of the workers. BTW, 19 bucks an hr is barely a liveable wage. If you are a single mom and are part time (No benefits), how in the hell could one live on 20 Hrs. @ 19 bucks an hr. with no medical etc. BTW, try standing on your feet for 12+ hrs scanning food and dealing with irate customers because the store is too cheap to open another register, what an Idiot you must be. Stay at your 7.50 an hr. job and don't worry about the more complicated things you have no clue about


Well-Known Member
If someone losing benefits makes you happy, then you my friend are the hapless idiot. What those "cashiers as you call them were trying to do was get the same benefits as full time employees. Albertson and quite a few other companies have applied this scam to keep their wages down. Instead of having 20 full time employees, they hire 40 part time employees as then they don't have to offer benefits or pay overtime, as there is a 40 Hr. clause, so they could work a part time employee for 39 hrs straight and only pay straight time. My question is this: since Albertsons and others instituted this plan,.did their prices go down? Hell no they didn't. The profit just went up at the expense of the workers. BTW, 19 bucks an hr is barely a liveable wage. If you are a single mom and are part time (No benefits), how in the hell could one live on 20 Hrs. @ 19 bucks an hr. with no medical etc. BTW, try standing on your feet for 12+ hrs scanning food and dealing with irate customers because the store is too cheap to open another register, what an Idiot you must be. Stay at your 7.50 an hr. job and don't worry about the more complicated things you have no clue about
that is that single mothers fault for not bettering herself and getting a better job, there are all kinds of grants and loans to pay for school and most schools including the little po dump school in the dirty south that i went to that offer free child care for students, so that she can get a better job and actually earn a living. being that you are a commie why do you think a cashier and a doctor should get the same? in addition that single mother is also obviously a woman which makes her a minority which means that there are quotas thanks to pinko affirmative action so that she has an even better shot of getting grants and loans.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
that is that single mothers fault for not bettering herself and getting a better job, there are all kinds of grants and loans to pay for school and most schools including the little po dump school in the dirty south that i went to that offer free child care for students, so that she can get a better job and actually earn a living. being that you are a commie why do you think a cashier and a doctor should get the same? in addition that single mother is also obviously a woman which makes her a minority which means that there are quotas thanks to pinko affirmative action so that she has an even better shot of getting grants and loans.
Yeah, well on average single mothers usually aren't all that good at making long-term plans. Just sayin'

Although I have to admit, I worked for $20 an hour full time for a year and made more money than i knew what to do with. I saved more than half my money and paid off my student loans.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well on average single mothers usually aren't all that good at making long-term plans. Just sayin'

Although I have to admit, I worked for $20 an hour full time for a year and made more money than i knew what to do with. I saved more than half my money and paid off my student loans.
Exactly, so why should people who make better decisions than others have there money taken from them?

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Exactly, so why should people who make better decisions than others have there money taken from them?
Because people don't have a choice as to what they're good at. Education can help, but only so much.

You don't beat a retarded kid for being retarded. Therefore, ideally, society should lower the bar for the less fortunate, so they can make something of themselves too.