So can cops trace where you live from this website???


New Member
bwahahahhaah wrong ive seen and heard people getting msn and camera hacked and my buddies site got so fucking hacked got ips adresses the works. The feds ahve even better shit, they can do trace routes and go straight to your desktop or laptop and go thru pics ur trash can get pics of you and your loved ones bwahahahha so fuckign easy for them.

NO! I know more about computers than ganja man. No no and no. The FEDs aren't god. They don't have magic technology. If you allow a third party application on your computer and don't know the source, or if they get a virus in your computer which allows remote access.

If you're smart about computers, even would know this can never happen...

If that was the case every pedophile in America would be in jail immediately.


Well-Known Member
bwahahahhaah wrong ive seen and heard people getting msn and camera hacked and my buddies site got so fucking hacked got ips adresses the works. The feds ahve even better shit, they can do trace routes and go straight to your desktop or laptop and go thru pics ur trash can get pics of you and your loved ones bwahahahha so fuckign easy for them.
They got hacked because they were using a version of a forum software that had a known security hole in it. Some hacker using the name 'Red Devils Crew' used an exploit code that had been made available to exploit the security hole, to deface the website and backload the forums database.

Had they simply kept their forum software up to date they probably never would have been hacked.

BuddhaScientist is on to it, there is no internet magic. In the old days this was possible because most people were using dial up connections to connect their computers directly to the internet. Most broadband routers will not allow a tracert (trace route) to go through to your desktop so them days are over.


Active Member

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
With as many people who use this plant world wide, nevermind just in the states, they're more concerned with people who may be getting wealthy off the sale of "contraband" than some 18-24 year old growing 3 plants in a closet with CFL's. Be smart. Don't try to grow more than you can smoke in a few months, don't sell it, don't tell anyone about your operation, just be cautious. Don't begin to believe you can quit your day job and just grow/sell marijuana all day long. We all wish we could get "caregiver" licenses and grow/sell our weed or live in Amsterdam, but we don't. Don't be a dumbass, stick to your normal routine and go work and pay taxes. You'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Its not big newsflash that people install rogue applications on their computers that are designed for remote exploitation. The fault is usually the computer operators as they for whatever reason allowed the application to be installed.

Actually breaking into someones computer and placing remote server applications is a completely different animal. That is why 99.99% of desktop exploits being created these days depend on the end user being duped into doing the installing part.

Broadband routers have pretty much ended the days of walk up and break in hacking. The Broadband router, if configured correctly, is basically a linux firewall at its very bare bones which will not allow direct connections to a internal networked computer unless it is specifically configured to do so.

So even if a hacker got a hold of your IP address they would only be looking at your broadband router not your desktop computer.


Well-Known Member
With as many people who use this plant world wide, nevermind just in the states, they're more concerned with people who may be getting wealthy off the sale of "contraband" than some 18-24 year old growing 3 plants in a closet with CFL's.
That is pretty much the common belief amongst most growers I have talked with. But my experience with the police has been a little contrary to that.

Basically if you live in a city in most western countries, there will be a division of the police called something like, 'the organised crime unit' and within that division will be teams that specialise in the different facets of organised crime. Some of them are obvious, the meth manufacture division, white collar fraud squads etc. But they will also have a team or person, depending on the size of your city, working marijuana grow ops.

These days it is seen as a lesser evil than the harder drugs like crack and heroin, so they tend to be less human resourced and less financially resourced too. But nevertheless they are dedicated to what they do and make do with what have.

Also under this organised crime unit will be specialist teams like teams that can place interception devices, high level survellience, e-crimes etc. They are available to be used by any of the sub depts of the crimes unit, including the under manned under funded marijuana team.

The way they do it in this country is to manufacture the idea of drug networks. By using this technique they can get around the whole 'why are you wasting your time busting small time growers' thing.

A recent raid in the northern part of this country is a case in point on that issue. The drug squad in that small city had been monitoring the incoming and outgoing of a hydroponic store. They collected data on all those buying grow gear and also looked into who knew who.

Being a fairly small city, a few of the growers did know each other outside of buying from the same store.

With a flick of the pen they were able to conjure up a network of growers out of mere aquaintances, opened an 'operation' against them, which gave them the funding to do all the bullshit they do to create the grounds for the eventual raid.

The raid was carried out and the item on the radio said something like, "Drug ring busted wide open when police stormed dozens of grow houses in the early hours of this morning finding over 100 plants and resulting in the arrest of 17 suspected cannabis cultivators".

Because one of the arrested was a member of a local gang, they also threw in the gang connection line too to spice it up.

Most of the plants were found in 2 houses, the rest were small time growers who had 1-4 plants. Most of the arrested barely knew each other and werent growing to sell. But who is going to argue with the police notion of a so called 'drug ring', or terms like, 'sophisticated grow room'.

Age also, has nothing to do with their decision making, whether youre 18 or 80. Nor does gender. Most of those arrested were female so the police simply constructed the idea of a female dealing growing drug ring to create some sort of surreal illusion as a distraction for news listerners.

My point being just because you dont sell does not necessily make you less of a target to a dedicated group of individuals who are brainwashed into believing any amount of cannabis is as bad as sending $1 to support Al Qaeda. They love the big raids and the headlines it gives them, and youre right, they wont bother with raiding one house to bust someone with 3 plants.

But from the example I gave here, this is how they deal with the small growers, group them up and charge them for being a drug ring.


New Member
That is pretty much the common belief amongst most growers I have talked with. But my experience with the police has been a little contrary to that.

Basically if you live in a city in most western countries, there will be a division of the police called something like, 'the organised crime unit' and within that division will be teams that specialise in the different facets of organised crime. Some of them are obvious, the meth manufacture division, white collar fraud squads etc. But they will also have a team or person, depending on the size of your city, working marijuana grow ops.

These days it is seen as a lesser evil than the harder drugs like crack and heroin, so they tend to be less human resourced and less financially resourced too. But nevertheless they are dedicated to what they do and make do with what have.

Also under this organised crime unit will be specialist teams like teams that can place interception devices, high level survellience, e-crimes etc. They are available to be used by any of the sub depts of the crimes unit, including the under manned under funded marijuana team.

The way they do it in this country is to manufacture the idea of drug networks. By using this technique they can get around the whole 'why are you wasting your time busting small time growers' thing.

A recent raid in the northern part of this country is a case in point on that issue. The drug squad in that small city had been monitoring the incoming and outgoing of a hydroponic store. They collected data on all those buying grow gear and also looked into who knew who.

Being a fairly small city, a few of the growers did know each other outside of buying from the same store.

With a flick of the pen they were able to conjure up a network of growers out of mere aquaintances, opened an 'operation' against them, which gave them the funding to do all the bullshit they do to create the grounds for the eventual raid.

The raid was carried out and the item on the radio said something like, "Drug ring busted wide open when police stormed dozens of grow houses in the early hours of this morning finding over 100 plants and resulting in the arrest of 17 suspected cannabis cultivators".

Because one of the arrested was a member of a local gang, they also threw in the gang connection line too to spice it up.

Most of the plants were found in 2 houses, the rest were small time growers who had 1-4 plants. Most of the arrested barely knew each other and werent growing to sell. But who is going to argue with the police notion of a so called 'drug ring', or terms like, 'sophisticated grow room'.

Age also, has nothing to do with their decision making, whether youre 18 or 80. Nor does gender. Most of those arrested were female so the police simply constructed the idea of a female dealing growing drug ring to create some sort of surreal illusion as a distraction for news listerners.

My point being just because you dont sell does not necessily make you less of a target to a dedicated group of individuals who are brainwashed into believing any amount of cannabis is as bad as sending $1 to support Al Qaeda. They love the big raids and the headlines it gives them, and youre right, they wont bother with raiding one house to bust someone with 3 plants.

But from the example I gave here, this is how they deal with the small growers, group them up and charge them for being a drug ring.
Enjoyed all your points dude, cheers.


Well-Known Member
that bust of a "grow ring" seems to be made possible only by the hydro store, order online ;)
Well its just one method they have employed in the past to attack the small growers. Ordering grow equipment online is probably just as visible as picking them up from grow stores. In the example I gave, most of the growers had been sending their partners in to do the buying for them, hence the 'female drug ring' bullshit they created.

They're a creative lot them police chaps, and I have no doubts they will come up with some equally creative pile of crap if they ever did a raid on a 'drug ring' of growers that purchased gear online. Using the whole cyber crime angle, 'sophisticated online ordering ring', or some crap like that.

Enjoyed all your points dude, cheers.
Thanks Bangers999


Well-Known Member
What happened to OverGrow? What is different about RIU that what happened to OG, can't happen here?

I had some juicy ak pics on there that I wish I could see one last time =(


Well-Known Member
So lets break this piece of usual police propaganda down and analyse the bullshit.

"The members of the Marihuana Grow Operations Enforcement Team of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police"

Theres your marijuana squad.

"concluded their first major operation"

Any operation is always a major one. If it turns out to be a small one, they wil make it a big one.

"when they uncovered a Montreal based criminal organization"

Theres the drug ring

"and culminated with the seizure of 200,000 cannabis seeds"

They mean, a small bag of seeds.

"The cybercompany Heaven's Stairway used the Internet sites,,,,, and These sites were used to order cannabis seeds online and obtain information on cannabis cultivation. These Internet sites also suggested ways to outsmart the police."

Yeeep the usual bs. This very thread fits the criteria of that sentence.

"The amount of seeds seized during the searches could have made it possible to operate approximately 500 cannabis greenhouses of 400 plants each, which represent 42 million joints sold on the street."

Yep the, 'we found him with 2000 rounds of ammo, we believe he could have used those to kill 2000 people, to date he has killed noone', argument. Or, those clones could have produced 3 pounds each bs.

The websites werent the main meat in the sandwich, but the feds used them as a part of the bigger picture to paint elaborateness and sophistication into a buy and sell operation no different to what one does on EBay.


Well-Known Member
Well its just one method they have employed in the past to attack the small growers. Ordering grow equipment online is probably just as visible as picking them up from grow stores. In the example I gave, most of the growers had been sending their partners in to do the buying for them, hence the 'female drug ring' bullshit they created.

They're a creative lot them police chaps, and I have no doubts they will come up with some equally creative pile of crap if they ever did a raid on a 'drug ring' of growers that purchased gear online. Using the whole cyber crime angle, 'sophisticated online ordering ring', or some crap like that.

Thanks Bangers999
its not as visable tho ... as people are ordering from different states all over the country ... i cant see them being able to make up a "ring" of small growers that happen to live on the other side of the country of each other


Well-Known Member
Well yep that may be true but they dont really have to prove it in the end. Everything I have listed is about content of police affidavits filed in courts to support a request for search warrants.

Those affidavitts contrary to popular belief, do not just contain an item or two of subjudice evidence, but are packed with lots of little nothings that support the final summary requesting search warrants to come raiding your house.

Last year the police seized the records of 10,000 buyers on a web auction in this country that is similar to EBay in every way bar the name. They did so because they claimed they were looking for terrorist activity and were looking specifically at 8 or so users but because of the wording of the warrants were able to extend that to 10,000 users buying and selling data.

Now in my thinking it would be quite easy for the marijuana drug team to put a proposal to their bosses to boil the list of buyers of grow related equipment and accessories found in the purchase data, boiled down to say 2 to 3 dozen people whom they could further investigate.

The criteria could be, prior drug charges, known associates of drug related crims etc etc.

That could lead to a surveillance operation being launched and affidavits manufactured to convince a judge to sign off either interception warrants or search warrants and arrest warrants.

The result could be you coming under surveillance because your username got flagged.

True its an obscure situation, but its the first one that comes to mind from a real event that took place in this country. If I put my mind to it I probably could come up with more.

Added: So Im not saying that buying online vs in a shop could make you more visible or less, the circumstances will dictate one or the other. In the case of the grow shop in the example I gave earlier, they werent surveilling every grow shop in this country, some other event had happened to warrant them surveilling that particular shop which lead to those raids.

There are pros and cons in both purchasing senarios.


Well-Known Member
My other thought relates to a reply that i rwad somewhere in the begining of this thread, i think some nodrama dude or some dude with silver surfer as their avatar. Anyway, i think they can only prove that YOU did it if you sent in your product registration papers that came with your computer and or camera. Now because im extremlly paranoid, i have seperate things in my house for weed only. Where i live pocession of parapenilia is 1 year in jail and if you have bud youll be in there for awhile, and no i dont live in hawaii. so i have a camera, laptop, internetcard, and a tracfone for weed purposes only. There not top of the line though, because if i had to id get rid of it fast so the pigs cant find more shit out about me by seizing my computer and shit. Also, cameras, moatly the newer digital ones leaves water marks on every picture it takes, there are file drives and software mods to fix this, but its prolly not worth doing, go to and find what you need.

The way not to get caught is simple, be smart about what you do, say and even who youd talk to. Do EVERYTHING like your being watched, for all you know, you could be.

peace, theMONSTER


Well-Known Member
well i am learnin alot here an wud hate to have to stop bein on lol. respect da cops to a certain extent an be hush hush bout ur shit, ull stay high or rich.


Well-Known Member
I accidentally picked up somones nanny cam on a unsecured wireless network. Watch out for those wireless cameras if you do not know how to set up security.